FNUG Publications in 2023
During 2023, FNUG's researchers have authored several research articles, books and book chapters. Below you will find a small excerpt
FNUG researchers' publications
Professor, Connie Svabo, ph.d., head of center, FNUG
Gitte Miller Balslev, ph.d., lector, FNUG, head of center CESE/NAFA
Dorte Moeskær Larsen, ph.d, adjunct professor, FNUG
Chunfang Zhou, lector, FNUG
Amalie Thorup Eich-Høy, ph.d. student
Karen Bollingberg, ph.d. student
Karina Kiær, forskningsmedarbejder, FNUG og adjunct professor, UC SYD
Katrine Bergkvist Borch, ph.d. student
Maiken Westen Holm Svendsen, ph.d. student
Søren Krogh Hansen, ph.d. student
Tina Maria Brinks, ph.d. student