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UROtainer for Bladder catheter maintenance, Infection prevention af Quality of life


About the project:

Patients with a permanent urinary catheter are at high risk of developing problems with the catheter due to calcifications or blockages. Obstruction can lead to urine leakage along the catheter, discomfort in the bladder and urethra, as well as odor issues, contributing to social embarrassment. As the majority of those living with a permanent catheter are elderly or have long-term disabilities, this can significantly impact their quality of life. The purpose of our study is to examine whether catheter flushing with Uro-Tainer® can reduce the number of catheter replacements. Additionally, we will explore how quality of life is affected, whether the number of urinary tract infections decreases, and how the catheters look under different treatments.

Inclusion criteria:

Patients not previously flushed

  • A permanent catheter (suprapubic and urethral) 
  •  Male and female > 18 years of age
  • Acute or previous catheter stop because of blocking or incrustations
  • Voluntary consent to participate in the study, following a full explanation of the nature and purpose of the study, by signing the informed consent form approved by the Ethics Committee (EC) before all evaluations.

Patients previously flushed with NaCl or UroTainer

  • A permanent catheter (suprapubic and urethral) 
  • Male and female > 18 years of age
  • Willingness to take a rinse break. In the event of 2 catheter stops during the flushing break, assessed on the basis of an urgent need for catheter flushing with NaCl or catheter change, the citizen can be included.
  • If there is no catheter stop during the rinsing break, the citizen will continue without rinsing until a possible catheter stop.
  • Voluntary consent to participate in the study, following a full explanation of the nature and purpose of the study, by signing the informed consent form approved by the Ethics Committee (EC) before all evaluations.

Exclusion criteria

  • Urothelial cancer 
  • Bladder and kidney stones requiring treatment 
  • Age < 18 years of age
  • Pregnant and / or breastfeeding women 
  • Not able to understand Danish 
  • Dementia, where relatives can / will not give consent 
  • Simultaneous participation in another interventional clinical trial (drugs or medical devices studies)
Benefits of participating:
  • Reduced incidents of blockages 
  • Reduced need for catheter replacements 
  • Simplified catheter replacement procedures 
  • Decreased occurrences of unpleasant odors 
  • Enhanced overall quality of life 
  • Decreased instances of home-based emergency visits and fewer trips to the healthcare facility due to catheter-related issues 
  • Access to complimentary equipment and rinsing products for project participants

Screened patients:54
Included patients: 22
Awaiting initiation: 2


Nordfyn: 6
Svendborg: 5
Odense: 5
Middelfart: 1
Assens: 3
Kerteminde: 1
Ringsted: 1


Contact Info:

Chief Physician Karin Andersen and Professor, Dr. Med. Lars Lund
Project Nurses Malene Salomonsen and Nina Winther Messmann
Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital Odense/Svendborg
Tel. +45 2477 6370 on Tuesdays and Fridays between 8.00 and 15.00

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Sidst opdateret: 21.05.2024