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The Danish Center of Psychotraumatology

January Conference 2020

On 10 January, we held a conference on trauma-focused interventions and treatment for children.

Presentations from the day

There were 8 speakers at the conference. Below you will find an overview of the different speakers.

If you are interested in their presentations, you can find their presentations by clicking on the links below.

Welcome, by Ask Elklit

Ph.D., Vice President for Mental Health Initiatives, Jason Lang, Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut - Trauma-Informed Care: Addressing Adversity and Promoting Resiliency Across Child-Serving Systems. You can view Jason's presentation by clicking the link here.

Psychologist and PhD Sille Schandorph Løkkegaard, the Danish Center for Psychotraumatology, University of Southern Denmark – Behandling af kompleks PTSD blandt børn – et casestudie fra Danmark med et 6-årigt barn.
Links to articles:
Acasereport on TF-KAT with a  6 year old boy can be found here.
A pilot study of the use of trauma assessment in a Danish family centre can be found by clicking here.

Aut. psychologist Rikke Kann & aut. psychologist Helena Lund, Dignity – Udredning og behandling af flygtningebørn i traumeramte familier – et psykologisk perspektiv på forebyggelse af intergenerationel traumevandring.

Aut. psychologist Sarah Bonnemann Egebæk, JanusCentret - Hvordan balancerer man mellem forebyggelse af recidiv og bearbejdelse af klientens traumer?

Professor Tine Jensen, Institute of Psychology, University of Oslo - Hvordan kan vi forstå og behandle traumatiserte barn? You can view the first presentation from Tine in Norwegian here.

PhD student Maria Louison Vang, CONTEXT Fellow, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Ulster Universitet – Bliver ansatte skadet af at arbejde med udsatte børn ?

Professor Tine Jensen, Institute of Psychology, University of Oslo -Implementering av TF-CBT i klinikker - utfordringer og mulige løsninger. You can view the second presentation from Tine in Norwegian here.

January conference 2020 wrap-up.

Poster for the trauma conference

Last Updated 27.07.2024