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Netværk for Middelalder- og Renæssancestudier

Life and cult of Canute the Holy – The first royal saint of Denmark

Interdisciplinary research seminar in Odense. November 6th to 7th 2017

Download the programme here

In 1986, to mark the 900th anniversary of the murder of King Canute IV in the Church of Saint Alban in Odense, the Book of Canute (Knuds-bogen) was published. The volume brought together specialists from several disciplines and shed light on different aspects on the life and cult of Canute as king and saint. Since then, archaeological excavations in Odense as well as recent national and international research on the cult of Saint Canute have provided scholars with new information about the life and times of Canute. Furthermore, recent scholarship within medieval studies has resulted in a range of studies which allow for innovative comparisons with the Canute material.

This recent academic output – both at home and abroad – has coincided with an increased interest from local public institutions. The Church of Saint Canute and the Odense City Archive recently initiated a collaboration with the purpose of communicating the story of the crypt beneath the church o a broader audience. In addition, the department of research and communication in Odense City Museums is aiming to shed light on the early history of Odense with the current exhibition “Canute’s Odense – the Viking city”.

With this interdisciplinary seminar – arranged in cooperation between the research centre CENTRUM at Odense City Museums and Centre for Medieval Studies at University of Southern Denmark – we intend to bring together both national and international experts. The aim is to bring forth new aspects of Canute’s life and afterlife and to put these in a wider, international context. By doing so we aim to lay the groundwork for future research about Canute, and to form the basis for further dissemination of the latest discoveries pertaining to Canute and his time.

The seminar will be held in the beautiful location of the Odense Convent of Noble Maidens ( During the seminar there will be a guided tour in the special exhibition “Canute’s Odense – the Viking city” at the Odense City Museums. In the exhibition a range of objects related to Canute the Holy are displayed, among others the newly discovered bishop’s grave from Albany Church. Also some of the new archaeological findings from Odense’s early medieval period can be contemplated.

Price: 300 DKK, including lunch and coffee/tea both days, entrance to Odense City Museums, but excluding accommodation. It is also possible to sign up for dinner in the evening at restaurant in the city centre at the same time. The price for dinner including two glasses of wine is 500 DKK. Register by payment of either 300 DKK (participation in seminar) or 800 DKK (participation in seminar and evening dinner) to Odense City Museums (reg.number: 2206; accountnumber: 6275396212. Write: name, institution and mark it “Canute the holy”).

Deadline for registration: October 23th 2017

Redaktionen afsluttet: 06.11.2017