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Det amerikanske præsidentvalg 2024

Valg i USA


I forbindelse med præsidentvalget i 2024 arrangerer Amerikanske Studier en foredragsrække og seminarer finansieret med støtte fra Den Amerikanske Ambassade.

Foredragsrække og seminarer i efteråret 2024

Den 5. november er der præsidentvalg i USA. Derfor lancerer Center for Amerikanske Studier  en række foredrag og seminarer under overskriften: The Soul of a Polarized Nation: The U.S. Presidential Election 2024 and the Outlook for American Democracy.

Det giver  mulighed for at opnå dybe indblik i, hvad der sker i USA politisk og kulturelt.  Programmet løber af stablen i efteråret  i form af en række aktiviteter med deltagelse af prominente amerikanske historikere, forfattere og kommentatorer. Hele programmet sponsoreres af Den Amerikanske Ambassade i København. Foredragene er åbne for alle interesserede, du finder programmet herunder, og som printvenlig version.

Du kan også deltage i  nogle af præsentationerne online, se linket under de aktiviteter, hvor det er en mulighed. 

NB! Kommer I som et hold eller klasse fra gymnasiet, så kontakt Caroline Zoffmann Jessen for at booke pladser til foredraget.

The Soul of a Polarized Nation: The U.S. Presidential Election 2024 and the Outlook for American Democracy

Dato og tidspunkt                            Aktivitet Præsentationer
Torsdag  den  03/10
13.15- 15.45
Pre-election seminar  day 1
Past and Present Struggles over US political Identity and Democracy
Lokale: DIAS Auditorium
Welcome by  Rector of SDU Jens Ringsmose 

“Contemporary Political Battles over the Soul of the Nation.”
presented by 
E.J. Dionne,  Distinguished University Professor at Georgetown University, Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Senior Fellow in Governance at the Brookings Institution, journalist, political commentator, and op-ed columnist for The Washington Post, as well as frequent public commentator for National Public Radio and MSNBC.

"Franklin Roosevelt and the Struggle for Democracy: How the Past Might Inform Today’s Polarized World.”
presented by
David B. Woolner, Professor of History and the Judy and Peter Blum Kovler Foundation Fellow in Roosevelt Studies at Marist College, former Danish Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in American Studies at SDU, former ED of the Roosevelt Institute, New York.

Webinar option for the presentations by E.J. Dionne and David Woolner:

"Activism and Citizen Participation: U.S. Elections 2024". 
presented by
Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, former President of the League of Women Voters, the first woman of color to hold that position. She is also the author of One Man, One Vote: The History of the African American Vote in the United States as well as, The Untold Story of Women of Color in the League of Women Voters, honoring the contributions of women of color in the suffrage movement and its legacy organization which received the 2020 INDIES Bronze Award in Women’s Studies.

Webinar option for the presentation by Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins:

Fredag den 04/10 
kl. 12-16
Pre-election seminar day 2

Lokale U300

Presidential Election Roundtable  and Online event.
Lokale U140

"Fraud, Fake News, and Violence: Democracy in US Elections Then and Now"
presented by
Niels Eichhorn, Ph.D. in American History from University of Arkansas, IB History Teacher, Stiftung Louisenlund, and author of three books on the American Civil War.
Webinar option for the presentation by Niels Eichhorn:
Presidential Election roundtable by: 
E.J. DionneDistinguished University Professor at Georgetown University, Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Senior Fellow in Governance at the Brookings Institution, journalist, political commentator, and op-ed columnist for The Washington Post, as well as frequent public commentator for National Public Radio and MSNBC.

David B. WoolnerProfessor of History and the Judy and Peter Blum Kovler Foundation Fellow in Roosevelt Studies at Marist College, former Danish Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in American Studies at SDU, former ED of the Roosevelt Institute, New York.

Niels Bjerre-Poulsen, Associate Prof. of History, CAS.

Jørn Brøndal, Prof. and Chair, CAS.  

Webinar option for the presidential election roundtable:

Online event featuring three former Danish Fulbright Scholars in American Studies: 
“First Time as Tragedy, Second Time as Farce: Neoliberalism and the Culture Wars in the Age of Trump.”
presented by
Andrew Hartman, Prof. of History, Illinois State University

“Courting the Bro Vote: The Battle for the Young White Male Vote in the 2024 Election.”
presented by
Laura Browder, Prof. of American Studies, Richmond University

“In Love with War: How Every War became a Just War for America.”
presented by
Ray Haberski,  Professor of History, Director of American Studies and Associate Dean, Indiana University, Indianapolis. 

Webinar option for the online event with three former Fulbright Danish Distinguished Scholars in American Studies:
Tirsdag den 05/11 Election Night  
(organized by DSAAS) 
Presidential election night at SDU organized by the students and featuring an invited scholar of US politics/history from Europe or Denmark. 
Live transmission of election results from the United States all night long.

Fredag den 15/11
Seminar on Polarization in the US
Lokale U92
"The Aesthetics of Polarization: The Role of Literary Criticism in the US American Election.
presented by
Johannes Völz, Prof. Dr. of  American Studies, Democracy, and Aesthetics, Goethe University Frankfurt
Torsdag den  21/11
American Studies Festival  Day 1
Lokale U110


Lokale U1
"The MAGA Revolution: How the party of Reagan became the party of Trump"
presented by
Nicole Hemmer
, Associate Professor of History Director of the Carolyn T. and Robert M. Rogers Center for the American Presidency, Vanderbilt University.

“The Continued Fight for the Soul of America: Reflections from Election Week in the Battleground State of Wisconsin.”
presented by
Andreas Brunebjerg Jørgensen and Alexander de Summer-Brason, MAs in American Studies and alumni from SDU.
Your Job Prospects as an American Studies Candidate.
Panel of MAs in American Studies who are alumni from SDU.
Fredag den  22/11
American Studies Festival  Day 2
The Annual Honora Rankine-Galloway Address 

Lokale: DIAS auditorium
"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A Trojan Horse in the Classroom?"
presented by
Shelley Fisher Fishkin, former President of the American Studies Association and currently Professor of Humanities and Professor of English, Stanford University
“Can Deliberation Cure the Ills of Democracy?”
presented by
James Fisher Fishkin, James Fisher Fishkin, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University

"Lewis Beltz, California Exceptionalism, and the Horizons of Possiblility"
presented by

Gina Caisonpresented by Kenneth England Professor in Southern American Literature, Georgia State University.

Students presentations and the  and the American Studies student award ceremony. 
 TBA Lecture by Nobel Prize Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz 
 Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate and Professor of Economics, Columbia University