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Two-day meeting | 9 Apr 2019 - 10 Apr 2019

Two-day meeting in the Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics (DSTS) at SDU

Welcome to the 2-day DSTS meeting organized by Epimiology, Biostatistics and Biodemography at SDU. We wish enjoyable days to all and are looking forward to see you in Odense.

The Danish Society of Theoretical Statistics (DSTS) will have the next 2-Day meeting in Store Auditorium - J.B. Winsløws Vej 15, SDU. 


April 9th

Young Statisticians Denmark - Lunch
Jacob v. B. Hjelmborg, Biostatistics, University of Southern Denmark

Statistical Analysis on Manifold-valued Data 
Line Kühnel, University of Copenhagen

Estimating Survival Benefit in a Clinical Trial
Michael Væth, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University

Structured Additive Regression Models for Functional Data
Fabian Scheipl, LMU München

The Trendiness of Trends
Andreas Kryger Jensen, Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen

Local Robust Estimation of the Pickands Dependence Function
Yuri Goegebeur, IMADA, University of Southern Denmark

Experiments in Symbolic Dynamics
Wojciech Szymanski, IMADA, University of Southern Denmark

April 10th

Regression on Imperfect Class Labels Derived by Unsupervised Clustering
Martin Bøgsted, Department of Haematology, Aalborg University Hospital

Assessment of a Treatment Effect for Recurrent Event Data in the Presence
of a Terminal Event

Philip Hougaard, Lundbeck and University of Southern Denmark

Closed Tests for Multiple Comparisons of Areas under the ROC curve
Paul Blanche, Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen

Estimation of Cohort Specific Population Sizes from Register Data
Birgit Debrabant, Biostatistics, University of Southern Denmark

Describing the Shape of Dying in Denmark
Anne Vinkel Hansen, Danmarks Statistik

Analyzing Relative Survival Patterns using Parametric Cure Models
Lasse Hjort Jakobsen, Aalborg University

Multivariate Generalized Linear Models for Twin data
Wagner Hugo Bonat, Paraná Federal University, Brazil

For further information

Go to: Registration and program in details

Redaktionen afsluttet: 01.02.2019