Sygeplejerske, cand.phil. Lærke Kjær Tolstrup - 14.09.2020 - ph.d.-forsvar
"Patients Reported Outcomes for Symptom Management in Patients with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma receiving immunotherapy - design, execution, and evaluation of a randomized controlled trial"
Date and time:
14-09-2020 at 14:00
The Auditorium
J. B. Winsløws Vej 25
5000 Odense C
https://syddanskuni.zoom. us/j/66587380380
Committee of Examiners:
Professor, PHD Hilde Eide
Institutt for Sykepleie- og Helsevitenskap, Drammen
Overlæge, Ph.d Anne Kirstine Hundahl Møller
Onkologisk afd., Herlev Hospital
Professor, MD, PhD Karina Dahl Steffensen (chair)
Onkologisk afdeling, Vejle, SDU
Main supervisor:
MD Lars Bastholt
Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark