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Organizing procedure


SING, or SING Meeting, means SING - European Meeting on Game Theory.

SING Assembly is the assembly of those participants to a SING Meeting which are citizens of European countries. The Assembly takes place during each SING annual meeting. It is chaired by the President of the organizing committee of the Meeting. The SING Assembly takes decisions on the proposals of the Country Representatives’ Council.
Multi-organizing Countries are those European countries that organized at least two SING Meetings (taking into account previous SING editions, since 2005).
Country representatives are two persons for each Multi-organizing-Country, appointed at the end of each annual SING Assembly by the participants of that Country attending the Assembly, according the following rules:

  • The representatives may also not to be present at the current Assembly.
  • Each Country Representative lasts for three annual Assemblies, except for the younger of the two Country representatives of Country (if any) inserted for the first year as a Multi-organizing-Country; in this case the representative will last for four Assemblies. After three years the representative could be confirmed for three more years, for a maximum of six years.
  • At the end of the six years, the Country Representative can only be nominated again after three years at least.

The Country representatives have the duties of:

  • attending the Representatives' Council, directly or through a delegate;
  • deciding, in agreement with the organizer of the next SING Meeting, the invited speakers, the dates and the full and reduced fees;
  • belonging to the scientific committee of the meeting, that includes all the present SING representatives, some chosen among the former SING representatives, the President of the organizing committee, and at most four members invited by her/him;
  • being the reference point for any possible urgent decision before the following Assembly.

Leader is a country representative, appointed at the end of each annual SING Assembly, who is the main contact for everybody. 

SING Representatives’ Council is the meeting of Country representatives, held annually during every SING Meeting, some days before the Assembly. The organizers of the current and of the next SING Meetings belong to this Council only for the topics regarding the respective meetings. Each Country representative that cannot attend the Council has to be represented by a delegate. The Council is chaired by the President of the organizing committee of the current SING Meeting.

The Council has the duty to forward to the Assembly all received candidacies for the organization of the forthcoming SING Meetings, and to propose to the Assembly possible variations of these rules and any suitable topic.

Request for organizing a SING Meeting
SING Meetings can be organized only in European countries.
Any person working in a European country may ask to organize a SING Meeting. In order to do it, s/he has to send a formal request to all current Country representatives, specifying the location and the year (or the years) in which s/he could give this opportunity. In the request it is necessary to explicitly accept and bind oneself to respect all the conditions of this procedure. 

Duties of the organizer of a SING MeetingThe organizer will contact the Country Representatives for starting the organization of the new SING Meeting. In particular, s/he should not spread preliminary information about the meeting that requires the approval of the Country representatives, unless after their agreement (with a tacit approval after two weeks).

S/he will prepare a section of the webpage of the meeting (e.g. “About SING”) including the information received by the President of the organizing committee of the previous SING Meeting after the required update, i.e.:

  • Past and Future
  • Organizing procedure
  • Country Representatives list (with the e-mail addresses of the current ones and their election year)
  • Minute of the last Assembly 
  • The new organizer will not change any of the above information. In the only case in which his country becomes, with that issue, a Multi-organizing Country, s/he will add, at the end of SING history, a brief description of past activities on Game Theory in her/his Country, with a similar style and length of the other descriptions

For the acceptance or rejection of submitted relations, the President will send all abstracts to all members of the scientific committee, requesting a response within a suitable deadline. S/he will then send to all those members only the abstracts for which at least one of them has reported some concerns, and asks for a definitive answer within a second deadline. The final decision will be taken by a majority of those who answered by the last deadline (in the case of a tie, the President's vote will be worth).

In the scheduling of the meeting, the organizer has to book time and rooms for:    

  • a session of the SING Representatives’ Council; it should take place in the first day and possibly not overlapping other scientific sessions
  • a plenary session for the SING Assembly; it should take place at the end of the meeting. The organizer will chair and take care of reporting both sessions
  • At the end of the Assembly, the organizer has to verify that the new country representatives were elected
  • After the conclusion of the meeting, the organizer has to send the full mailing list of the SING Meetings, including new participants  and/or updated addresses, to the organizer of the following meeting.

In one month after the conclusion of the meeting, the organizer has to send the updated information of the webpage “About SING” to all the Country representatives, asking for their approval (with a tacit approval after two weeks). Then, the information will be sent to the President of the organizing committee of the next SING Meeting.

S/he should maintain active the web page of the meeting for at least one year, possibly publishing the Minute of the Assembly and in particular the new appointed Country Representatives.

Last Updated 20.12.2023