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Green Camp 2023 - Case Competition

Are you interested in sustainability? Do you want to apply your knowledge on a real-world case from a local company? Then sign up for the SDU Green Camp 2023 and be part of a social and professional event. The camp will take place the 4th to the 6th of October at SDU Esbjerg.

Green Camp 2023 is for all candidate students at University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg and AAU Esbjerg across study programmes and years. It takes place the 4th to the 6th of October at SDU Campus Esbjerg.

It is a unique opportunity to train your competencies on a real-world case while enjoying a good time with your fellow students, having fun, meeting new people, and making good connections for the future.

At the camp you will:

  • Work with a real-world sustainable case from a local company
  • Apply and train your competencies in interdisciplinary groups
  • Get a professional network with stakeholders from the companies
  • Get a social network among your fellow students

You will work with a sustainability case from one of the associated companies in an interdisciplinary group. Since collaboration and knowledge sharing is key parts of the camp, we will form the groups across study programmes and years.

Each company will present a case within sustainability relevant to their strategy, and each group will be responsible for presenting a possible solution on the case.

There will be prizes for the teams who present the best solutions.

We are looking forward to some fun and educational days!

To join - please use the sign-up box at the top of the page.

If you have any questions, please contact Pernille List on:



Program for Day One, 4th of October

Introduction, presentation, and start-up

Time: start 15.00 – 17.30

  • Registration, SDU Esbjerg, room E-81103
  • Welcome and introduction by Malene Damsted, Vicehead of Department
  • Introduction to program structure by Pernille List, Project Manager
  • Presentation of the cases by the company representatives
  • Dividing of groups and distribution of cases
  • Presentation of the Sustainable Development Goals by Gert Barslund, Verdensmålshuset GenIN
  • Pitch workshop by Mikkel Søndergård Jensen from SDU RIO
  • Dinner provided on campus for all groups.
  • The students start their case work (Planning, Brainstorm etc.)

Full program:

  • 15:00 Registration at SDU
  • 15:15 Intro, group division
  • 15:30 Presentation of and distribution of cases
  • 16:15 Presentation of Sustainable Development Goals
  • 16:45 Pitch workshop
  • 17:30 Dinner provided on campus for all groups

Program for Day Two, 5th of October

Day two: Case work at the companies

Time: start 9.00 at the company – ends 16.00 (the groups can continue work at SDU after 16.00)

Full day of case work hosted by the companies

  • The groups are transported to the companies by bus.
  • The companies supply working space and catering (Breakfast and Lunch).
  • There will be a contact person/mentor supplied by the companies.
  • SDU and AAU are available for continued group work after returning from the companies.

Full program:

  • 08:00 Transport to the companies
  • 09:00 Arriving at the companies
  • 09:15 Breakfast and getting started
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 Continue case work
  • 16:00 Transport back to SDU
  • 17:00 Continue case work

Program for Day Three, 6th of October

Day three: Case work, pitch, and jury

  • The groups must send their material to Pernille List, no later than 11 o’clock.
  • A presentation, a synopsis and a one-page summary of the solution(s).
  • Groups finish their casework and preps presentation before 12.00.
  • The groups bring their presentation on an USB, a computer will be provided by SDU.
  • The groups will have 10 min. each incl. questions to pitch their solutions to the judging committee.
  • The order of presentation follows the group number. So, group 1, group 2 and so on.

Full program:

  • 11:00 Sending material to Pernille List
  • 12:00 Pitch round
  • 14:30 Evaluation
  • 15:00-15:30 Announcing the winners and small reception

Practical information

  • Language: English

  • Timeframe: 3 days, 4th October from 15:00 to 6th October 15:00

  • Theme: Green Transition and sustainable solutions

  • Collaboration between the University of Southern Denmark, Varde Municipality and AAU Esbjerg
  • Registration day one: SDU Esbjerg, room E-81103

Sidst opdateret: 26.06.2024