Det lærer dine elever
Everybody buys things and pays prices, but where do prices come from? For example, why is a Celine Dion concert so much more expensive than a concert by Den Sorte Skole? Or how do various conditions, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, affect concert prices, or many other prices?
More in general, companies supply goods and services. Customers want to obtain the goods and services that companies supply. This exchange happens through prices that are established in markets. In the lecture we will establish, where price comes from, and why they differ and change over time.
Vælg mellem 3 typer af besøg på Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet:
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Velkomst | Det faglige oplæg | Afrunding - Besøg på ca. 2-2,5 time
Velkomst | Det faglige oplæg | Rundvisning på campus eller Mød en studerende fortælle om rejsen fra gymnasiet til SDU | Afrunding - Besøg på ca. 3-3,5 time
Velkomst | Det faglige oplæg | Rundvisning på campus | Mød en studerende fortælle om rejsen fra gymnasiet til SDU | Afrunding
Karol Jan Borowiecki, professor - Økonomisk Institut
Tilknyttede uddannelser på SDU: Økonomi