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Årsfest 2014

Indstilling forskningsformidlingsprisen 2014

Promovering af Francesco Sannino som modtager af SDU’s forskningsformidlingspris:

Professor Francesco Sannino har via en række nyskabende forskningsformidlings- aktiviteter formået at videreformidle højenergifysik til et meget bredt publikum. Resultatet har for fysikuddannelsen ved Institut for Fysik, Kemi og Farmaci været en imponerende fremgang i studentersøgningen til uddannelsen. I 2012 blev der optaget knap 30 på uddannelsen mod blot 10 for få år siden.

Af nyskabende formidlingsaktiviteter kan nævnes:

1.CP3-Genius program/CP3-Kids:

Sannino har igangsat det originale ‘CP3-Genius program’ hvis formål er både forskningstræning og forskningsformidling. Relevant her er især programmets formidling af forskningsemner til gymnasie- og skoleelever. Desuden henvender ‘CP3-Genius Kids’ programmet sig til børn i 4-8 års alderen.

2.CP3 Black Book/CP3-Tube og iTunes:

Sannino har udvidet den obligatoriske afrapportering af CP3-Origins aktiviteter og højdepunkter til en reel formidlingsdisciplin: Hvert år publiceres en ‘Black Book’ som nu desuden er tilgængelig via iTunes. Materialet bliver præsenteret, så det også er interessant for ikke specialister.

3. Angels & Demons lecture series:

I forbindelse med filmen ‘Angels & Demons’ – baseret på Dan Browns bog af same navn - blev der oprettet en international foredragsserie ‘Angels & Demons’ Lecture Nights – Sannino gav en lang række foredrag i forbindelse hermed for skoler, gymnasier og den øvrige offentlighed.

4. Through the Wormhole:

Helt ekstraordinært medvirkede Sannino i Discovery Science serien ‘Through the Wormhole’ med Morgan Freeman som en af de centrale forskere i forbindelse med seriens ‘feature’ om Higgs bosonen og den seneste forskning herom ved CP3-Origins.


Institutleder Frants R. Lauritsen, Institut for Fysik, Kemi og Farmaci (FKF) Institutleder Martin Svensson, Institut for Matematik og Datalogi (IMADA) Professor MSO Claudio Pica (IMADA)

Lektor Mads Frandsen (FKF) Lektor Martin Sloth (FKF) Lektor Chris Kouvaris (FKF)

Francesco Sannino Curriculum Vitae


2011- Codirector of the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS)
2009 - Director of the DNRF Centre for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology: CP3- Origins, SDU
2007 - Professor and Research Leader at SDU
2007 Scientific Associate CERN - Theory Division
2004 - 2009 Leader, Excellence Team (EXT), EU-Commission. EXT(fp6) = ERC(fp7)
2005 Shortlisted for a NORDITA assistant professor position. Declined
2005  Shortlisted for the PPARC, UK research program. Declined
2004 - 2007 Associate Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute
2004 - 2008 Skou Fellow of the Danish National Agency
2000 - 2004 EU RTN + EU Marie Curie Fellow: NORDITA
1997 - 2000  Research-Associate: Yale University, US
1993 - 1996  Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nuclear, INFN, Young Researcher Fellow


2014-2019 2nd Period PI, DNRF Centre of excellence CP3-Origins, (40 M kr)
2013-     CoPI, PRACE grant of 7.3M hours of Supercomputing,
2012-     CoPI, PRACE grant of 22M hours of Supercomputing,
2011-     CoPI, seed grant of 2M kr for establishing the DIAS
2011- PI, DIAS, VKR blockstipendier
2011, 24 postdoc months
2011-     PI for iParticle project, Aarhus-Hamburg-Odense, 8k EUR
2010-     Elite Research Prize of the Danish Science Ministry, 1M kr
2009 - 2014 1st period PI, DNRF Centre of excellence CP3-Origins, (40 M kr)
2008 - 2014 Danish Centre for Super Computing: 3 grants for a total of (1.3 M kr)
2009 - 2011 Major Framework Grant from Danish National Agency (3.5 M kr)
2005 - 2009 PI for FP6 Marie Curie Excellence Grant in Physics. 11.5 M kr
2007 - 2009 PI for VKR blokstipendier 2007 & EU MC Fellowship, 1M kr
2008 - 2011 NordForsk Grant: LHC and Beyond. PI for SDU & JYV (FIN)
2008 - 2011 Steering committee for FIST graduate school Geomaps ,
2004 - 2008 Skou Fellow of the Danish National Agency, 2.4 M kr
2002 - 2004 EU Marie Curie Fellow 

Education (2PhDs)

1997  PhD in Physics, Syracuse Univ. US, with Honors, US
1997  PhD in Physics at Univ., FEDERICO II, Napoli, Italy
1993  Perfecting school in theoretical physics, FEDERICO II, Napoli, Italy
1993  Laurea in Physics, U. FEDERICO II, Napoli, Italy. 121/110, summa cum laude 

Prizes, Honors & Memberships

2012 Nominated to become fellow of the American Physical Society
2012 Member of the American Physical Society
2012 Phys. Letters. B: referee award
2010 Listed as one of the top italian scientists by VIA Academy
2010 Elite Research Prize of the Danish Science Ministry
2010 Member of the Sigma-Xi American Scientist Society
2009 Centre Leader of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF)
2008 Univ. of Louvain, Belgium. Rectors appointed distinguished Visiting Professor 

Grant Reviewer and Professional Activities

2014  Reviewer: ERC consolidator grants, Fundamental Constituents of Matter panel
2014  Reviewer: U.S. Department of Energy, Advanced Scientific Computing Research
2014  Reviewer: Austrian Natl Research Foundation, New Frontiers grants of excellence
2014  Reviewer: Research Council of Canada, Discovery grants
2014  Reviewer: Science and Technology Council, Portugal, national R & D Units evaluation
2014  Reviewer: Professor position, Univ. Louvain, Belgium
2014  Reviewer: Professor position, University of Groningen, Netherlands
2013  QS Stars Nomination by Swansea University, UK
2013   Referee for a Reader promotion at Swansea U. in UK
2012- ATLAS Short Term Association (STA) as theoretical physicist advisor
2012  Reviewer: Austrian Natl Research Foundation, New Frontiers grants of excellence
2012- Natl Italian Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (anvur): Invited as intl. commissary for Theoretical physics of fundamental interactions
2010  Reviewer: Czech Science Foundation, major research grants
2010  Reviewer: Finnish Academy of Science, major research grants
2010  Reviewer: Research Council of Canada, Discovery Grants
2010- Invited as referee by the European Commission (REA)
2010  Member of the national committee for Danish infrastructure in Physics
2010  Referee for an assoc. prof. position in High Energy Physics, Oslo University
2009  Reviewer: Austrian Natl Research Foundation, Graduate Schools of Excellence
2009  Reviewer: Chilean Superior Council Natl. Fund, major grants
2008- Invited scientist to nominate for the Nobel prize in Physics and Chemistry
2003- Opponent for several PhD defenses


Editor of scientific journals and referee

2013- Review Editorial Board in High-Energy and Astroparticle physics, Frontiers in Physics
2011- Associate Editor of the European Physics Journal
2007   Referee for the Particle Data Group (PDG)
1995-  Referee for every major journal for particle and nuclear physics


I supervise(d) over 20 postdocs, 12 PhD, 14 masters and 7 bachelor students. They have found academic research positions at leading institutions world-wide, such as Harvard, Oxford, Berkeley, E´ cole Normale Supe´rieure (Paris), Stony Brook, Durham IPPP, UCLA, Cambridge and Stockholm.


Interviewed by various national televisions, public radios and international magazines such as the National Geographic and the New Scientist. In Spring 2013, I featured on the famous and Emmy nominated Discovery Channel show: Through the wormhole: With Morgan Freeman.

My public presentations are followed typically by several hundreds people.

I have invented several outreach concepts such as the first interacting reporting published on iTunes, i.e.the CP3-Origins iBlack-Books, the CP3-Genius and - Kids programmes for bachelor, high school and kids, as well as the CP3-Tube. These programmes are highly praised and are having a strong impact on the number of students interested in starting a physics career. Since I arrived at the University of Southern Denmark the number of bachelor students in physics has tripled. Many of my ideas and concepts are being cloned by several research groups in Denmark.

Sidst opdateret: 26.08.2022