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Center for Interventionsforskning


A Six-step protocol to Systematic Process Evaluation of Multicomponent Cluster-randomised Health Promoting Interventions Illustrated by the Boost Study

Aarestrup AK, Jørgensen TS, Due P, Krølner R
Evaluation and Program Planning, 2014;46:58-71. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2014.05.004.

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A social perspective on habits: Notes from a field study within Danish youth education

Ingholt L
Nordic Psychology, 2014;66(4):289-302. doi: 10.1080/19012276.2014.957716.
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Barriers and Facilitators for Teachers' Implementation of the Curricular Component of the Boost Intervention Targeting Adolescents' Fruit and Vegetable Intake

Jørgensen TS, Krølner R, Aarestrup AK, Tjørnhøj-Thomsen T, Due P, Rasmussen M
Journal of Nutrition, Education, and Behavior, 2014;46(5):e1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2014.06.003.

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Barriers for recess physical activity: a gender specific qualitative focus group exploration.

Pawlowski CS, Tjørnhøj-Thomsen T, Schipperijn J, Troelsen J
BioMedical Central Public Health, 2014;14:639. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-639.


Comparing tailored and untailored text messages for smoking cessation: a randomized controlled trial among adolescent and young adult smokers.

Skov-Ettrup LS, Ringgaard LW, Dalum P, Flensborg-Madsen T, Thygesen LC, Tolstrup JS
Health Education Research, 2014;29(2):195-205. doi: 10.1093/her/cyt112.

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Context-Specific Outdoor Time and Physical Activity among School-Children Across Gender and Age: Using Accelerometers and GPS to Advance Methods.

Klinker CD, Schipperijn J, Kerr J, Ersbøll AK, Troelsen J
Frontiers in Public Health, 2014;2:20. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00020.

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Design of a school-based randomized trial to reduce smoking among 13 to 15-year olds, the X:IT Study

Andersen A, Bast LS, Ringgaard LW, Wohllebe L, Jensen PD, Svendsen M, Dalum P, Due P
BioMedical Central Public Health, 2014;14:518. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-518.

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Effects of a Danish multicomponent physical activity intervention on active school transport

Breum L, Toftager M, Ersbøll AK, Troelsen J
Journal of Transport & Health, 2014;1(3):174-181. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2014.05.002.

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Implementing a free school-based fruit and vegetable programme: barriers and facilitators experienced by pupils, teachers and produce suppliers in the Boost study

Aarestrup AK, Krølner R, Jørgensen TS, Evans A, Due P, Tjørnhøj-Thomsen T
BioMedical Central Public Health, 2014;14:146. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-146.

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Integrating couple relationship education in antenatal education - A study of perceived relevance among expectant Danish parents

Axelsen SF, Brixval CS, Due P, Koushede V
Sexual and reproductive healthcare, 2014;5(4):174-5. doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2014.06.006.

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Joint association of physical activity in leisure and total sitting time with metabolic syndrome amongst 15,235 Danish adults: a cross-sectional study

Petersen CB, Nielsen AJ, Bauman A, Tolstrup JS
Preventive Medicine, 2014;69:5-7

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Reach and uptake of Internet- and phone-based smoking cessation interventions: results from a randomized controlled trial.

Skov-Ettrup LS, Dalum P, Ekholm O, Tolstrup JS
Preventive Medicine, 2014;62:38-43. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.01.020.

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School site walkability and active school transport - association, mediation and moderation

Breum L, Toftager M, Schipperijn J, Ersbøll AK, Giles-Corti B, Troelsen J
Journal of Transport Geography, 2014;01(34):7-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.10.012.

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SPACE - rum til fysisk aktivitet

Samlet evaluering af en helhedsorienteret, forebyggende indsats for børn og unge
Troelsen J, Christiansen LB, Toftager M, Olesen E, Højgaard B, Brøcker A, Ballegaard SA, Grøn L, Ladegaard L, Tjørnelund T, Linke B
Center for Interventionsforskning, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanisk, Syddansk Universitet, 2014

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The effect of a school-based intervention on sunbed use in Danish pupils at continuation schools: a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Aarestrup C, Bonnesen CT, Thygesen LC, Krarup AF, Waagstein AB, Jensen BP, Bentzen J
Journal of Adolescent Health, 2014;54(2):214-220. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.08.011.

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The effect of antenatal education in small classes on obstetric and psycho-social outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol

Brixval CS, Axelsen SF, Andersen SK, Due P, Koushede V
Systematic Reviews, 2014;3:12. doi: 10.1186/2046-4053-3-12.

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Total sitting time and risk of myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality in a prospective cohort of Danish adults

Petersen CB, Bauman A, Grønbæk M, Helge JW, Thygesen LC, Tolstrup JS
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 2014;5:11-13
International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity


2014, uge 20, Skoleelever: Den udskårne frugt må ikke blive brun

Forsøg med gratis frugt og grønt i 7. klasse
Aarestrup AK, Grønbæk M, Augustsen I
Ugens tal for folkesundhed 

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2014, uge 25, Kontoransatte sidder meget ned og er ikke særligt fysisk aktive

Stillesiddende arbejde og fysisk inaktivitet
Kloster S, Danquah IH, Tolstrup JS, Grønbæk M, Hornbaver B
Ugens tal for folkesundhed 

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2014, uge 35, De fleste stopper med at ryge helt uden brug af hjælpemidler

De fleste stopper med at ryge uden hjælp
Tolstrup JS, Mikkelsen SS, Grønbæk M, Hornbaver B
Ugens tal for folkesundhed 

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2014, uge 37, Omkring 20 procent af de 15-årige ryger

Cirka hver femte 15-årig tænder dagligt, ugentligt eller af og til for en cigaret
Andersen A, Rasmussen M, Grønbæk M, Hornbaver B
Ugens tal for folkesundhed 

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2014, uge 4, Kommunerne arbejder på tværs af forvaltninger i forebyggelsen

Forebyggelsespakker og tværfaglighed
Rod MH, Grønbæk M, Augustsen I
Ugens tal for folkesundhed 

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2014, uge 41, Lærere i folkeskolen er nervøse for at undervise i ”liv og død”

Kun 14 procent af lærerne føler sig rustet til at undervise i førstehjælp
Zinckernagel L, Tjørnhøj-Thomsen T, Hansen CM, Grønbæk M, Hornbaver B
Ugens tal for folkesundhed 

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2014, uge 5, Indsatser i skolen får ikke automatisk elever til at bevæge sig mere

Bevægelse i frikvarteret
Troelsen J, Grønbæk M, Augustsen I
Ugens tal for folkesundhed 

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Using accelerometers and global positioning system devices to assess gender and age differences in children's school, transport, leisure and home based physical activity.

Klinker CD, Schipperijn J, Christian H, Kerr J, Ersbøll AK, Troelsen J
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 2014;11:8. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-11-8.

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Variations in active transport behavior among different neighborhoods and across adult lifestages.

Christiansen LB, Macfarlana D, Madsen T, Schipperijn J, Ersbøll AK, Troelsen J
Journal of Transport & Health, 2014;1(4):316-325. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2014.10.002.

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Sidst opdateret: 15.08.2023