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Syddansk Universitet


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Artikel om udviklingen af Gymnasier Fuld af liv

Pisinger, V. S. C., Hoffmann, S. H., Pålsson, L., Dalum, P., Grønbæk, M. K., Tolstrup, J. S., ... & Krølner, R. F. (2020). ‘High schools High on life’: Development of an Intervention to Reduce Excessive Drinking in Danish High SchoolsFrontiers in public health8. 


Artikel om evalueringsdesignet for Gymnasier Fuld af liv

Pisinger, V. S. C., Hoffmann, S., Rosing, J. A., Grønbæk, M., Tolstrup, J. S., Thygesen, L., & Krølner, R. (2020). Protocol: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial testing the effectiveness of the ‘High schools High on life’ intervention on reducing excessive drinking in Danish high schoolsBMJ Open10(8). 


Artikel om betydningen af andelen af elever med anden etnisk baggrund i klassen for drikkevanerne blandt danske unge

Hoffmann, S. H., Pisinger, V. S., Norredam, M., Tolstrup, J. S., & Thygesen, L. C. (2020). Does Class Proportion of Students with Non-Western Origin in High Schools Affect Drinking Habits Among Ethnic Danish Students?Alcohol and Alcoholism. 

Sidst opdateret: 15.08.2023