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Student well-being - and how we make it so much easier for everyone to contribute.

Everyone is talking about student well-being. But, unfortunately, the talk is characterized by conceptual confusion. The discussions about well-being, dissatisfaction, drop-out rates and motivational crises run off in all sorts of directions. Our well-intentioned efforts are shot with scattershot, without a clear direction.

In this presentation, Rune Mastrup Lauridsen will focus on what well-being in education is all about, and he will suggest how SDU can establish a stable course for our well-being work. We will discuss the educational world's automatic response to the demand for well-being efforts and why we need to take a different approach. An approach that involves working with well-being in a way that suits a university – based on knowledge rather than anecdotes and pocket psychology.

Rune also identifies focus areas for both the university's strategic levels, in teaching and in administration.

Rune Mastrup Lauridsen has worked to support students' educational journey for more than 20 years, primarily at SDU, but also in Education Esbjerg and as an independent consultant. From 1 November, Rune will be back at SDU as Senior Consultant at the Humanities. 


Last Updated 11.10.2023