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University of Southern Denmark

Sidsel Arnspang Pedersen

About the climate footprint of pharmaceuticals.

I am researching how we can reduce the climate footprint of pharmaceuticals in the healthcare sector. In recent years, most sectors have focused on green transition, but the health sector has lagged behind. It is as if we believe that our sector is exempt from the green transition because we work to save lives. But such a stance is no longer possible.

Up to a quarter of the health sector's climate footprint can be traced back to the pharmaceuticals used in connection with treatment. It is an area with great potential for improvement.

My research tries to present suggestions on how to release that potential. We analyse the climate footprint of pharmaceuticals, make recommendations for appropriate use and try to question some of the habits that exist in the healthcare system.

We work closely with relevant authorities, international partners and other researchers to understand the extent of the problem. At the same time, our most important task is to always keep the patient at the centre and ensure that we never compromise on their health.

Drugs account for at least 25% of the climate footprint of the Danish healthcare system.

Sidsel Arnspang Pedersen

Meet the researcher

Sidsel Arnspang Pedersen is clinical associate professor at the Department of Clinical Research at the University of Southern Denmark.


Editing was completed: 24.01.2024