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University of Southern Denmark

Tanja Schmidt

About bicycling promotion.

In my research, I focus on making cycling an integral part of Danes' daily transportation. This is a simple step towards a healthier and more sustainable future. Just by cycling to and from work, most Danes can achieve the recommended level of daily physical activity, strengthening both body and mind.

At the same time, cycling is one of the most effective ways for us as individuals to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to averting the most dire climate forecasts. A report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has shown that by switching from car to bike, you can reduce your transportation carbon footprint by 92% on trips up to 7.5 km.

We will follow 600 people and test different initiatives while tracking their cycling habits. The initiatives range from improved cycling infrastructure and e-bike charging stations to financial incentives such as changes in tax deductions and free bike rental.

A report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has shown that replacing cars with bikes can reduce your transportation carbon footprint by 92% for trips up to 7.5 kilometres.

Tanja Schmidt

Meet the researcher

Tanja Schmidt is Post.Doc at the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark.


Editing was completed: 24.01.2024