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GRASPH Summer School

Next GRASPH Summer School will be 14-15 May 2024

The national network for research training on public health, GRASPH, organizes a Summer School once a year. The Summer Schools are arranged by an organizing committee consisting of both seniors and younger researchers from the four Danish universities, and the chairmanship rotates each year. In 2024, the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is responsible for the meeting, and we cordially invite both PhD students and their supervisors to take part in the event. PhD students can participate regardless of whether their supervisor is participating or not.

The Summer School offers plenary lectures with themes relevant from a public health perspective, and workshops, which allow for a more interactive approach. The participants have the opportunity to join such thematic workshops that aim to foster their interests and research skills (e.g. “working efficiently with your thesis”, “work life balance”, “presentation technique” etc.).

In addition, a pivotal part of the meeting is presenting and discussing your own projects. This is conducted in smaller group sessions, where constructive feedback is given in a positive and safe atmosphere. An experienced supervisor will be leading each session and the groups will be matched on topics or methodology when possible. These group sessions are open to both supervisors and younger researchers.

The meeting will be held as a residential course at Comwell Klarskovgaard close to Korsør in a beautiful setting. The venue is located close to a forest, overlooking the ocean and gives plenty of opportunities for walk´n´talks, morning runs and dips in the refreshing waters.

We look forward to greet you all in Korsør, and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

Deadline: End of March 2024

Graduate Programme

Public Health


Comwell Klarskovgaard

ECTS credits

1,8 ECTS

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The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 04.03.2024