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Patient and public involvement in research

Aim and content

The overall aim is to introduce to a number of approaches and tools for patient involvement in health research and to inspire and promote patient involvement and participation in health research. Applicability and manageability is visualized and encouraged through presentations of specific examples, and through discussions and hands-on reflexive exercises focused on the participants’ own research projects. 

The course will be structured with a progression from introduction to basic knowledge of patient involvement in research over methods and tools for involving patients in research towards by the end of the course, the participants being able to argue for and describe a plan for involving and working in partnership with patents during their research. 

The purpose of the course is to provide the participants knowledge and tools enabling them to 
(critically) explain and argue why and how to involve patients/users in research, to explain the pros and cons of various models of user involvement, to assess and explain barriers and facilitators for involving patients/users in research and to involve and work in partnership with patients/users in their research project.


In a team of expert teachers and patients who are involved in research, we will provide a number of lectures; however, lectures given by the participants will be a high priority in order to engage them e.g. short presentations (pitch) of their reflections on interaction with the patients in research, the roles of the patients and the researcher in co-creation in research and how to involve patients in their research.


Max 15 participants

Course fee

For PhD students enrolled in the Faculty of Health Sciences at SDU, as well as employees at the Faculty of Health sciences at the University of Southern Denmark  and PhD students enrolled in Universities that have joined the "Open market agreement" the course is free of charge.

For all other participants the course fee is DKK 1507,-

Graduate Programme

Public Health

Course director

Professor Birgitte Nørgaard

ECTS credits

2,8 ECTS

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The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 23.05.2024