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Effective presentation of medical results

Course description

The aim of the course is to increase the PhD students' competences when giving lectures within complex medical fields. Primary focus is to make the contents easy to understand for relevant audiences and simple to present. 

The course is running over a 15 days periode with home work before and during the period.

Day 1 (first day) and Day 2 (last day) in plenum. Individual sessions over two work days between Day 1 and 2. Supplemented with home-work and telephone/mail correspondence. 

The course is intensive; enabling the participants to enhance performance already during the course.


Improving presentation of medical topics via

  1. Define the intention with the presentation.
  2. Describe the aim, the goals, the situation and expectations from the audience.
  3. Analyze and prioritize among optional contents.
  4. Prepare story line and develop the presentation.
  5. Rehearse and adjust contents and performance.
Teaching methods

Highly interactive with theory lectures, instructions, plenum presentations with feedback, group work and discussions. Contact and homework during the entire course – starting one week before Day 1.

Max number of participants


Course fee

The course is free of charge for PhD students enrolled in Universities that have joined the Open market agreement. 

For other participants there is a course fee of (2023 prices)

DKK 4.200 ,-

EUR 564,52 ,-

Graduate Programme

Clinical Research

Course director

Jesper Møller, Healthcare Agency

ECTS credits

1,9 ECTS

Register for this course

Sign up here!

The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 04.07.2024