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Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research

Course description

The participants are introduced to registers, clinical databases and register-based studies, clinical epidemiological methods within register-based research and how to design register-based studies. Furthermore, data management in relation to data control and the establishment of analysis data sets is discussed.
The follow topics are covered: 

  • Introduction to the Danish Nationwide registers and clinical databases
  • Where and how to get access to data
  • Register-based epidemiology
  • Design and analysis of studies using register- and clinical database data
  • Data management including data control and preparation of data

The focus is on practical applications of the concepts by practical exercises using Stata and working with the participants’ own ideas or projects. It is not a prerequisite that students have their own data before the course start. We provide fictive datasets for the exercises. All participants should have Stata installed on their computer prior to the course. 


  • To obtain knowledge on the Danish registers and use of clinical databases
  • Obtain knowledge on study design and possibilities of linking various data sources
  • Identify possibilities, strengths and limitations in register-based research

After completing the course, the participants are expected to be able to: 

  • Describe existing Danish health registers and clinical databases
  • Predict which information can be obtained from which registers
  • Prepare well-structured analysis data sets for register studies
  • Design clinical studies using existing registers and using registers as follow up data on existing clinical data
  • Choose relevant clinical epidemiological methods for carrying out a register-based clinical study
  • Critically evaluate the validity and data quality of health registers
A 3-week course with five full days in the first week with lectures and exercises. During the time between the first five days and the last day of the course, a seminar day, the participants work with their own project and prepare a course report to be handed in prior to the seminar day. The students will correct and comment on each other's course reports. Finally, each participant presents the report at a the seminar day, which is mandatory. The students will be each others opponents. 
Some workload should be expected between the first week and the seminar day.


Course fee

The course is free of charge for PhD students enrolled in Universities that have joined the "Open market agreement".

The course fee for other participants is

DKK 4.000 ,-

EUR 537,68 ,-

Graduate Programme

Clinical Research

Course director

Assoc. professor, Mette Bliddal, SDU

ECTS credits

5,5 ECTS

Register for this course

Sign up here!

The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 04.07.2024