Research focused on relationships in general practice is a broad and complex field, which can be understood from various scientific and academic approaches. The members of the group have diverse backgrounds from a variety of academic disciplines, such as; medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, sociology, psychology, theology, anthropology, ethnology, pedagogy, business communication and health economics.
The group is inspired by the following assumptions obtained from social sciences and humanities:
1. A human being is an inseparable part of his/her world. Social relations, communication and community (i.e., family, friends and colleagues) help create and restore society and culture.
2. The quality of a human being's relations are a crucial to both his/her well-being and experiencing a meaningful life.
3. A human being's health and illness interacts with his/her surrounds; therefore, his/her health and illness affect or are affected by social and relational conditions.
Based on the assumptions above, the group focuses on topics such as:
The relationship between citizens and health professionals in general practice, inter-collegiate relationships, medical technology and relationships, person-centered/relational medicine, narrative medicine, the consultation process, communication, empathy, user involvement, professional identity.
The group meets four times a year. At these meetings, a specific topic is presented and discussed.
If you are interested in joining this group, would like further information about this group or have any questions, please contact: Elisabeth Assing Hvidt (