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Research Unit of General Practice

Network of Young Researchers in Cancer-related Health Services Research

NYFCAS stands for Network of Young Researchers in Cancer-related Health Service Research and consists primarily of members from the three general medical research environments in Denmark. The network has existed since 2007, and has functioned as an interest group under DAFKO (Danish Research School for Clinical Oncology) with 1 or 2 annual meetings. In recent years only 1 annual meeting has been held, and therefore has been an all-day event with the possibility of further networking in the evening, in connection with dinner. The members all work within the health service area of cancer research, and the topics range widely from; symptoms of cancer, diagnostics, and rehabilitation, to the role of the general practitioner and patterns of action in relation to patients with cancer.

For further information contact:
Chairman of NYFCAS: Sandra Elnegaard, Research Unit for General Practice in Odense, email:

Last Updated 14.06.2024