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Center for Basic Research Education


More than 22 million DKK granted to a European project that enhances children's cultural understanding

With the grant from Horizon Europe, the first of its kind to the Faculty of Humanities, the project EXPloring and Educating Cultural literacy Through Art (EXPECT_Art) will contribute to social change for marginalized groups in Europe by exploring new methods of developing art and cultural understanding among school children.

By Caroline Zoffmann Jessen, , 11/23/2023

Associate Professor Gro Hellesdatter Jacobsen will, as coordinator of the consortium, in close collaboration with associate professor Søren Sindberg Jensen from the Department of Design, Media and Educational Sciences, carry out the project EXPECT_Art.

The grant of more than DKK 22 million will fund activities across Europe with the Centre for Primary and Lower Secondary Education Research at SDU as project owner. More than DKK 4.5 million of the grant will go to research at SDU.   

The project EXPECT_Art explores how art and culture in teaching in schools and in the local community can be used to identify and develop cultural understanding in a decolonial perspective. Engaging in creative activities can increase children and young people's understanding of their own and others' artistic and cultural expressions. This is particularly important for marginalised groups in Europe, whose cultural expressions are rarely represented as having value.

Children and young people have cultural understanding

An important dimension of the project is that it does not "provide" cultural understanding to children and young people. Instead, it will support the development of the cultural understanding that children and young people already have. The focus is on strengthening children and young people's own understanding of culture by involving them directly in the development of pedagogical and cultural efforts.

The other Danish partners are University College Absalon and development centre for child and youth culture Kulturprinsen in Viborg. The project is carried out in schools and communities in Denmark, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, and Spain.

List of Partners:

  •  Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia
  • Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
  • Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität, Germany
  • Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Poland
  • Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary
  • Portret (association for development of creativity and potential), Slovenia
  • Experimentem (space for artistic education and contemporary creation), Spain
  • Kinemathek Karlsruhe, Germany, Wrocławski Instytut Kultury, Poland
  • InSite (organisation for theatre and drama in education), Hungary
Meet the researcher

Associate Professor Gro Hellesdatter Jacobsen is a researcher at The Department of Design, Media and Educational Science


Meet the researcher

Associate Professor Søren Sindberg Jensen is a researcher at The Department of Design, Media and Educational Science.


The project

Read more about EXPECT_Art

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Editing was completed: 23.11.2023