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The Center for Energy Informatics has a wide range of collaboration partners among universities, businesses, organizations etc. in and outside Denmark. Collaboration is mainly through Research projects but also through participation in a wide range of networks such as:

Strategic partnerships
  • Schneider Electric
International collaboration
International networks
  • ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry)
  • Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Working Group (EE HPC WG)
  • Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO)
  • IBPSA Project 1 - New generation computational tools for building and community energy systems
  • IEA DHC Annex TS4 - Digitalisation of District Heating: Optimised Operation (and Maintenance) of District Heating and Cooling Schemes via Digital Processes Management
  • IEA DHC Annex TS6 - Status assessment, ageing, lifetime prediction and asset management of District Heating (DH) Pipes
  • IEA EBC Annex 60 - New generation computational tools for building and community energy systems based on the Modelica and Functional Mockup Interface standards
  • IEA EBC Annex 66 - Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings
  • IEA EBC Annex 67 - Energy Flexible Buildings
  • IEA EBC Annex 79 - Occupant-centric design and controls
  • IEA EBC Annex 81 - Data-driven Smart Buildings
  • IEA EBC Annex 83 - Positive Energy Districts
  • IEA EBC Annex 89 - Ways to Implement Net-zero Whole Life Carbon Buildings
  • IEA ES Task 43 - Storage for renewables and flexibility through standardized use of building mass
  • IEA IETS Annex XVIII - Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Related Technologies for Energy Efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction in Industry
  • IEA IETS Task XXI - Decarbonizing industrial systems in a circular economy framework
National networks
Industrial collaboration
Aarhus Kommune ABB A/S Actua ApS Ærø Kommune Alfa Laval Nordic A/S Alpcon Annex 79 Arla Foods Amba Aura Energi
Automatic Syd A/S
BHJ A/S Biomar Group A/S Bitzer(Lodam) Brick Consortium Brødrene Hartmann A/S BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausge Busch Vakuumteknik A/S    
Cabinplant A/S Carlsberg Danmark A/S Claus Sørensen A/S CLEAN Climaid ConWx ApS CORE A/S COTES A/S COWI A/S
Daka a.m.b.a. Dalum Papir A/S Damm Cellular Systems A/S Danlind A/S Dansk Mink Papir A/S Develco Products ApS Dong Energy DONG Energy Power A/S  
echnoflex ECO Consult Enabled Robotics ApS Energi Danmark International A/S Engie Axima E-On European Marine Energy Centre EWII Energi A/S Exhausto
Fjernvarme Fyn Force Technology Future Proof Shipping            
Gaia Solar A/S Gartneriet Knud Jepsen A/S Gartneriet Rosa Danica A/S Gartneriet SOGO Team ApS GeoDrilling Get2Market Global 2020 Grain Wood A/S Graintec A/S
Green Tech Center A/S Greentech Solutions ApS GridManager A/S Grundfos A/S          
IBM IC Meter Insatech A/S Insero Business Services A/S Insero Energy A/S Insero Software      
Kamstrup A/S Kea Phønix ApS Kerry Ingredients & Flavours A/S Kims A/S Knud Jepsen A/S Krogh Consulting      
Lactosan A/S LEGO Legro A/S Legro Gartnerierne A/S Lemminkäinen A/S Lindpro A/S LM Stål Ludvig Svensson  
Martin Hansen A/S Meatfield Farm Hedensted              
NEF-fonden / IDA-Nordic NetBeans Nico-Servodan A/S Niko Niras A/S NorthQ Novozymes A/S    
Odense Kommune Odense Staalskibsværft Odense University Hospital OJ electronics A / S Oracle Ostend Harbour      
Pettinaroli A/S Philips – the Netherlands PURE Energy Centre            
Rambøll ReFarmed Relacom ReMoni Riegens A/S Rubitherm      
Saseco ApS SCA Packaging Scanola A/S, Protein- og oliefabrikken SE Big Blue A/S Senmatic A/S Sensohive Siemens A/S Skamol Sogo Team A/S
Solae Denmark A/S Sønderborg Vækstråd Sophus Fuglsang, Export-Maltfabrik A/S SSPA Stirling DK Strømstad Kommune Sun Microsystems Research Laboratories – USA Syd Energi  
Tabree Denmark ApS Teknologisk Institut Trefor A/S            
Vacuumschmelze Varpelev Tomater Vejr2 Vemco Group Viemose-Driboga        
WH - Rådgivende Ingeniører                
Zense Technology A/S                

SDU Energy Informatics Syddansk Universitet

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: +45 6550 3545

Sidst opdateret: 17.06.2024