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Athila Santos gave a weekly course at UNITEN University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Between June 27th and July 3rd 2019,  Athila Santos gave a weekly course - Integration of IoT solution and OPC UA protocol using Develco devices  at UNITEN University,  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


1. Day 1: Introduction to DevelcoGateway –Architecture and connections to devices

  • Connecting with the gateway
  • Upgrading Firmware
  • Accessing Web Interface
  • Using SmartAMMapplication

2. Day 2: Programming StartKitsuite –Developing your own applications

  • Programming your own application
  • Eclipse Project
  • Accessing devices by programming
  • Test application using sockets
  • Exporting project to gateway

3. Day 3: Introduction to OPC-UA –A common protocol for Industry 4.0

  • OPCvs OPC-UA
  • What is Milo?
  • Creating our own OPCUA-Server
  • Using a commercial graphic OPC-UA client
  • Understanding the OPC-UA Address Space
  • Creating our own OPC-UA client

4. Day 4: Development of applications using OPC-UA

  • Finishing subscription service
  • Case study: Decentralized rule-based system
  • Integrating DevelcoSDK + OPC-UA
  • Creating a simple OPC-UA Server
  • Connecting different devices
  • Testing OPC-UA client with a commercial tool
  • Creating your own OPC-UA client

5. Day 5: Round up and alignment with UNITEN requirements

  • Discussion about UNITEN requirements
  • Testing sensors range


Athila Santo were at the course


Editing was completed: 27.06.2019