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CEI participated in the bi-annual IBPSA Building Simulation Conference BSIM2019 and the IBPSA Project 1 Expert Meeting

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During the three day BSIM2019 Conference, September 2rd-4th in Rome, Italy, 5 CEI employees presented main results largely emerging from the CEI Innovation Fund Denmark project COORDICY.

A total of 6 CEI coauthored papers were presented at the conference covering the titles:

  • Modeling and Performance Simulation of a Retail Store as a Smart Grid Ready Building
    Muhyiddine Jradi, Jakob Hviid, Henrik Engelbrecht Foldager, Rasmus Camillus Jeppesen, Mikkel Ask Rasmussen, Mikkel Kjærgaard
  • Controleum: Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Model Predictive Control
    Krzysztof Arendt, Anders Clausen, Claudio G. Mattera, Muhyiddine Jradi, Aslak Johansen, Christian T. Veje, Mikkel B. Kjærgaard, Bo N. Jørgensen
  • Dynamic Energy Model-Based Automatic Building Performance Testing for Continuous Commissioning
    Muhyiddine Jradi, Na Liu, Aslak Johansen, Krzysztof Arendt, Claudio Giovanni Mattera, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Christian Veje, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
  • MShoot: an Open Source Framework for Multiple Shooting MPC in Buildings
    Krzysztof Arendt, Christian T. Veje
  • Numerical Simulation of a Magnetocaloric Heat Pump for Domestic Hot Water Production in Residential Buildings
    Hicham Johra, Konstantin Filonenko, Anna Marszal-Pomianowska, Per Heiselberg, Christian Veje, Stefano Dall’Olio, Kurt Engelbrecht, Christian Bahl
  • Modeling and Simulation of a Heating Mini-Grid for a Block of Buildings
    Konstantin Filonenko, Krzysztof Arendt, Muhyiddine Jradi, Søren Andersen, Christian Vej

In addition Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard participated in a panel session Data Driven Occupancy Modeling: Challenges and Potentials and Muhyiddine Jradi chaired the session Zero Energy Buildings.

Preceding the conference, three CEI employees, Tao Yang, Konstantin Filonenko and Christian Veje, took part in the IBPSA Project 1 Expert Meeting , held every half year in relation to the IBPSA sanctioned project on BIM/GIS and Modelica Framework for building and community energy system design and operation.

Image source: IBPSA Project 1 Expert Meeting Attendees

Editing was completed: 02.09.2019