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Athila Santos participated in a “hand on” course entitled “Developing of RESTful template models to integrate ZigBee devices” provided by the Danish company Develco Products Aarhus, Denmark

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During 5th and 6th September 2019, Athila Santos participated in a “hand on” course entitled “Developing of RESTful template models to integrate ZigBee devices” provided by the Danish company Develco Products Aarhus, Denmark.

The training is a "hands on" concept through the principles of the new SquidSmartApp developed by Develco Products. During the course, different features were presented including the use of the Zwagger interface and the creation of json communication templates. Several ZigBee devices were integrated into their platform, such as power plugs, windows sensors, CO2 sensors and Light lamps. 

Editing was completed: 05.09.2019