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Athila Santos participated in "Fleksible bygninger og effektive industrivirksoleksible bygninger og effektive industrivirksomheder i fremtidens intelligente energi- og forsyningssystem" in Ballerup, Denmark

On 5th November 2019,  Athila Santos participated in the INERGIS meetings and workshops entitled “Fleksible bygninger og effektive industrivirksomheder i fremtidens intelligente energi- og forsyningssystem” provided by Intelligent Energi in Schneider Electric Building, Ballerup, Denmark.


The meeting built on the work that Smart Energi has done in connection with their workshops on the intelligent energy and supply system of the future. Based on their work, we look more closely at how we get flexible buildings and efficient industrial companies in the intelligent energy and supply system of the future.


Please check more information Fleksible bygninger og effektive industrivirksomheder i fremtidens intelligente energi- og forsyningssystem .

Editing was completed: 05.11.2019