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Shaojun Huang was invited to give a presentation about the EV and E-ferry congestion management through a marked based method at Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China

On 14th November 2019, Shaojun Huang gave a presentation about the EV and E-ferry congestion management through a marked based method at Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China.

Denmark is a small country with a population of only 5.6 million but has an ambitious goal that it will become entirely independent from fossil energy by 2050. To this end, the prime minister of Denmark announced that there would be at least one million green cars by 2030 in Denmark, in addition to many other things in this green transition, such as increasing the wind power share, electrifying the heating sector, and electrifying the maritime sector - electrical ferries (e-ferry). All of these will have a huge impact on the existing power grids. 

The talk focused on addressing the potential congestion problems that every Distribution System Operators (DSOs)  in Denmark are concerned with. He also introduced some congestion management methods that have been proposed in recently years and demonstrate their effects with detailed case studies.


Editing was completed: 14.11.2019