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Nicolas Fatras attended the 1st Energy Informatics.Academy Conference Asia (remotely)

PhD student Nicolas Fatras presented the paper “Industrial consumers’ electricity market participation options: A case study of an industrial cooling process in Denmark” at the Energy Informatics Academy Conference Asia. The work evaluated the financial viability of market participation for an industrial consumer bidding flexibly in the Danish electricity market. Market participation is implemented through linear optimization algorithms, and scenarios are tested by combining different market options in the market portfolio, and by varying the flexibility available in the industrial process.

The work shows the promising results of multi-market bidding, but also underlines the importance of choosing market options depending on the available amount of flexibility in an industrial process. Results call for more consumer-centric evaluations of market participation, with sensitivity studies on industrial process’ operational parameters and how these impact market revenues.

Please check more information on The 1st Energy Informatics.Academy Conference Asia (EI.A Asia 2021) .

Editing was completed: 30.05.2021