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Maritime education and research

CMSS partakes in a range of post graduate educational programs offered at SDU, both delivering lectures and acting as Module coordinators. In the Master of Science in Public Health, CMSS delivers in the courses and topics of Worksite Health Promotion, Risk assessment, Project management, Qualitative methods, Bio statistics and Advanced Epidemiology. See description at this link:

CMSS also takes part in the delivery of the Master of Science in Risk and Safety management in collaboration with Aalborg University, including the modules, Health and Safety management and Risk management. See description at this link: Please also find the curriculum here.  An education which is very relevant to maritime professionals and students coming from maritime academies.

CMSS also offers PhD supervision in relation to maritime health and safety topics.

In relation to research and development management, CMSS offers assistance in designing and implementing processes.

CMSS provides value added MET offerings for maritime companies, including Stress management, Bullying and harassment, Health promotion. Additional topics are under development. Tailored courses for maritime companies are also something we can offer.

CMSS provides Authority services for the Danish Maritime Administration, the International Maritime Organisation, World Health Organisation and the International Labour organisation.

Last Updated 17.07.2024