Book Symposium - Title "Philosophers of Technology"
March 19, 2021,
Associate prof. : Stig Børsen Hansen
"Philosophers of Technology" is written by Stig Børsen Hansen, the book offers a thorough survey of how the work of historical figures in philosophy has left clear traces in more recent developments in the philosophy of technology. The symposium were presented by Danish philosophers, specialized in the thinkers treated in the book. The symposium was of interest to not just philosophers, but also those working in different branches of design and engineering.
The speakers at the symposium :
- Søren Riis, associate prof. at RUC. Title of presentation “Making sense of Heidegger and Latour”
- Søren Mau, PhD at SDU/IKV. Title of presentation ”(Goldsmiths) Alienation or Power? On the Marxist Critique of Technology”
- Antje Gimmler, professor of Applied Philosophy, AAU. Title of presentation “Critical technology assessment with Dewey?