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Centre for Culture and Technology

Review of Technological Earth Visions

Workshop  - Center for Culture and Technology
January 24, 2019

Program for the workshop: "HUM-TEK"


9:45-10:10       Registration - coffee/the croissants/ gluten free bread   

10:15-10:45     Welcome, Kathrin Maurer

Technology and Humanities. The 4 research fields (5 min. presentation):

  • Contextualists, Kathrin Maurer
  • Educationalists, Stig Børsen Hansen
  • Interactionalists, Kristian Mortensen
  • Interventionalists, Mette Gislev Kjærsgaard


Profile discussion: Function, future goals, research agendas, teaching agendas of a potential Center for Humanities and Technology Studies at SDU 

11:30-12:00     Planning for future events and workshops

12:00-12:30     Lunch


Lecture “What is the History of Technology as a Field” by professor, David Nye

13:30-14:00     Time for more discussion, ideas and events



Last Updated 10.06.2021