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Centre for Culture and Technology

The Digital Resemiotisation of Buying and Selling Interaction

With a general interest in social change occasioned by uses and implementations of digital technologies, this cluster focuses on empirically comparing social activities in on-line activities with equivalent social face-to-face interactions, e.g. shopping groceries or electronic products.

The interests concern ordinary people's practices and actions for carrying out specific activities in their everyday life. Specifically, focus is on how practices and actions may differ, e.g. when searching specific types of goods or engaging with other people and, importantly, how differences may be related to the availability, recognizability, and use of different (semiotic) resources.

A key issue to this cluster is to develop theoretical and methodological bases for conducting research that compares practices across social environments that have traditionally been studied within different research paradigms, e.g. multi-modal social semiotics as compared to multi-modal ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EMCA).


Gitte Rasmussen



Last Updated 04.07.2019