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Health and inequalities in ageing

People still grow old, but they are growing old later in life. In comparison with half a century ago, 75 today is the new 65 in terms of mortality and disability. But is that so for all? Can we observe significant inequalities in health and survival within populations? And how do they change over time?

Senescence is the process of deterioration with age. The increase in human life expectancy since 1950 in long-lived populations has largely been driven by a postponement of senescence by about two years per decade. It is remarkable that the process of deterioration with age is being postponed but is not being slowed down.

We study the postponement of cognitive and physical disability and inequalities in senescence between population sub-groups such as men and women, different socio-economic groups, as well as on the individual level, among people with different lifestyles or genetic predisposition. We study the dynamics of survival and lifespan inequalities over time.

We are also investigating the impact of environmental and genetic factors on lifespan inequalities and survival differences for both human and non-human species to uncover the underlying mechanisms determining progress in longevity.

We conduct research on the causes and consequences of longer, healthier lives and lifespan inequalities using quantitative methods on longitudinal, register, as well as survey data such as:

-          The Danish Twin Register,

-          The 1895, 1905, and 1915-Cohort Studies,

-          The Long-Life Family Study

-          SHARE (Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe)..


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Last Updated 27.07.2024