Mechanisms of collective learning
Alice Pannier
Are you interested in collective learning within NATO and coalitions but couldn't attend Alice Pannier's presentation at SDU in January? Then, take some time to read her main conclusions and learn more about her research using her slides and this paper published for IRSEM (Institute for Strategic Research, Paris) (See Pannier Alice, “Operational Lessons and Cooperation Among Allies: State of play and avenues for improvement”).
What sort of mechanisms exist for collective learning between armed forces, to improve interoperability of Western armed forces and collective responses to crises? States use multiple vehicles, including NATO, ad hoc exchanges between national Lessons Learned teams, as well as projects such as the UK-French Combined Joint Expeditionary Force, the UK-US-France Trilateral Initiative and the more recent French-led European Intervention Initiative. NATO appears convenient for tactical and operational convergence, while ad hoc bilateral exchanges serve to share best practices on lesson-learning. Minilateral, long-term initiatives, for their part, are more effective for dealing with political and strategic issues.
Thanks to Alice for sharing her conclusions with the CWS!