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Econometrics and Economic History


Competition between organisational forms in Danish and Irish dairying around the turn of the twentieth century [Abstract]
McLaughlin, E. & Sharp, P. Business History. Forthcoming

Inference in instrumental variable models with heteroskedasticity and many instruments [Open Access pdf]
Crudu, F., Mellace, G. & Sándor, Z. Econometric Theory. Forthcoming

Spillover effects of early-life medical interventions [Abstract]
Daysal, N. M., Simonsen, M., Trandafir, M. & Breining, S. Review of Economics and Statistics. Forthcoming 


Controlling tuberculosis? Evidence from the first community-wide health experiment [Abstract]
Clay, K., Egedesø, P. J., Hansen, C. W., Jensen, P. S. & Calkins, A. Journal of Development Economics 146, article #102510. 2020

Preventing the White Death: Tuberculosis Dispensaries [Abstract]
Egedesø, P. J., Hansen, C. W. & Jensen, P. S. Economic Journal 130(629): 1288–1316. 2020

Structural change and the fertility transition [Abstract]
Ager, P., Herz, B. & Brueckner, M. Review of Economics and Statistics 102(4): 806-822. 2020

The Effect of Computer Use on Work Discretion and Work Intensity: Evidence from Europe [Abstract]
Menon, S., Salvatori, A. & Zwysen, W. BJIR 58(4): 1004-1038. 2020

The effect of marital endowments on domestic violence in India [Abstract, paper] 
Menon, S., Salvatori, A. & Zwysen, W. Journal of Development Economics, 143: article #102389. 2020



In the Shadow of the Mushroom Cloud: Nuclear Testing, Radioactive Fallout, and Damage to U.S. Agriculture, 1945 to 1970 [Open Access pdf]
Meyers, K. A. The Journal of Economic History 79(1): 244-274. 2019  

Long-run Consequences of Exposure to Natural Disasters [Open Access pdf]
Karbownik, K. & Wray, A. Journal of Labor Economics 37(3): 949–1007. 2019

Low-risk isn't no-risk: Perinatal treatments and the health of low-income newborns
Daysal, N. M., Trandafir, M. & van Ewijk, R. Journal of Health Economics 64: 55-67. 2019

Nonparametric Wind Power Forecasting under Fixed and Random Censoring [Abstract]
Dahl, C. M., Effraimidis, G. & Pedersen, M. H. Energy Economics 84, article #104520. 2019 


Agricultural productivity and economic development: the contribution of clover to structural transformation in Denmark [Open Access pdf]
Dall Schmidt, T., Jensen, P. S. & Naz, A. Journal of Economic Growth 23(4): 387–426. 2018 

Agricultural Risk and the Spread of Religious Communities [Abstract]
Ager, P. & Ciccone, A. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2018, 16(4): 1021-1068. 2018

Centrality and get-richer mechanisms in interregional knowledge networks [Abstract]
Mitze, T. & Strotebeck, F. Regional Studies 52(11): 1477-1489. 2018  

Fertility and early-life mortality: Evidence from smallpox vaccination in Sweden [Open Access pdf]
Ager, P.
, Hansen, C. W. & Jensen, P. S. Journal of the European Economic Association 16(2): 487-521. 2018

Social mobility among Christian Africans: evidence from Anglican marriage registers in Uganda, 1895–2011 [Abstract]
Meier zu Selhausen, F., van Leeuwen, M. H. & Weisdorf, J. L. Economic History Review 71(4): 1291-1321. 2018 


Does Welfare Spending Crowd Out Charitable Activity? Evidence from Historical England under the Poor Laws [Abstract]
Boberg-Fazlic, N. Sharp, P. R. The Economic Journal 127(599): 50-83. 2017 

Eliciting Survival Expectations of the Elderly in Low-Income Countires: Evidence From India [Open Access]
Delavande, A., Lee, J. & Menon, S. Demography 54: 673–699. 2017

From open to secret ballot: Vote buying and modernization [Abstract]
Aidt, T. S. & Jensen, P. S. Comparative Political Studies 50(5): 555–593. 2017

How Are You, My Dearest Mozart? Well-being and Creativity of Three Famous Composers Based on their Letters [pdf]
Borowiecki, K. J. Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(4): 591-605. 2017

Pre-reformation roots of the protestant ethic [Open Access pdf]
Andersen, T. B., Bentzen, J. S., Dalgaard, C. L. & Sharp, P. R. The Economic Journal 127(604): 1756-1793. 2017

Sharp IV bounds on average treatment effects on the treated and other populations under endogeneity and noncompliance [Open Access pdf]
Huber, M., Laffers, L. & Mellace, G. Journal of Applied Econometrics 32(1): 56-79. 2017 


Climate and the Emergence of Global Income Differences [Abstract]
Andersen, T. B., Dalgaard, C. L. & Selaya, P. The Review of Economic Studies 83(4), article #rdw006. 2016 

The finite sample performance of estimators for mediation analysis under sequential conditional independence [Abstract]
Huber, M., Lechner, M. & Mellace, G. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 34(1): 139-160. 2016 

The Heavy Plow and the Agricultural Revolution in Medieval Europe [Abstract]
Andersen, T. B., Jensen, P. S. & Skovsgaard, C. Journal of Development Economics 118(1): 133-149. 2016

Last Updated 27.07.2024