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Research - Department of Business & Management


The Consumption, Culture and Commerce (CCC) group at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, holds an intimate relationship with Consumer Culture Theory, for many years both shaping and being shaped by the field. Today, the CCC group constitutes a mature environment in the CCT community.

From the establishment of the Department of Marketing in 1987 cultural perspectives on markets and consumption was one of the two research pillars. From the early 1990s a smaller group of scholars fostered relations to the emergent international community of interpretive scholars. In 2002 the group now known as CCC was formed. From consisting of about five scholars at the time of its foundation, the unit now consist of about 20 dedicated CCT scholars of a range of cultural background from the doctoral to the professorial level.

Over the years many CCT scholars have been to visit the Odense group for shorter or longer periods of time, most notably in our longstanding doctoral seminar “Consumption Theory: a Canon of Classics” either as students or as teaching faculty. Cementing its contribution to the field of CCT, the CCC group hosted the annual CCT conference at University of Southern Denmark, where approx. 300 scholars from all over the world gathered to advance cultural research on markets and consumption.

Last Updated 19.09.2019