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Our publications of the last few years

You can find a complete list of our publications here, in the PURE page of our group.


  • Andersson T.,  Ehlers L. , Svensson L.G.,  Tierney R., (forthcoming). Gale’s Fixed Tax for Exchanging Houses. Mathematics of Operations Research
  • Dietzenbacher, B., & Sudhölter, P. (available online). Hart-Mas-Colell consistency and the core in convex games. International Journal of Game Theory 
  • Grabisch, M., &  Sudhölter, P. (available online). Characterization of TU games with stable cores by nested balancedness. Mathematical Programming


  • Calleja, P., Llerena, F., & Sudhölter, P.  (2021).  Axiomatizations of Dutta-Ray’s egalitarian solution on the domain of convex games. Journal of Mathematical Economics 95, 102477 
  • Calleja, P., Llerena, F., & Sudhölter, P. (2021). Constrained welfare egalitarianism in surplus-sharing problems. Mathematical Social Sciences, 10, 45-51.
  • Di Guida, S., Han, T.A., Kirchsteiger, G., Lenaerts, T., & Zissis, I. (2021). Repeated interaction and its impact on Cooperation and Surplus Allocation - An Experimental Analysis. Games, 12 (25), DOI:
  • Gao, Y., Hu, Y., Liu, X., & Zhang, H. (2021). Can Public R&D Subsidy Facilitate Firms' Exploratory Innovation? Research Policy, 50(4), 104221. 
  • Hvidt, E.A., Pedersen, L.B., Lykkegaard, J.,Pedersen, K.M., & Andersen, M.K. (2021). A colonized general practice? A critical habermasian analysis of how general practitioners experience defensive medicine in their everyday working life. Health, 25(2): 141-158, DOI:
  • Hu, Y., Zhang, H., & Gao, Y. (2021). In Search of Optimal Distinctiveness: Balancing Conformity and Differentiation via Organizational Learning. Management and Organization Review. 1-36 
  • Jensen, C. E., Sørensen, S. S., Gudex, C., Jensen, M. B., Pedersen, K. M., & Ehlers, L. H. (2021). The Danish EQ-5D-5L Value Set: A Hybrid Model Using cTTO and DCE Data. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 1-13, DOI:
  • Macé, A., & Treibich, R. (2021) Inducing Cooperation through Weighted Voting and Veto Power. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 13(3) DOI: 10.1257/mic.20180309
  • Marchiori, D., Di Guida, S., & Polonio, L. (2021). Plasticity of strategic sophistication in interactive decision-making. Journal of Economic Theory, 105291. DOI:
  • Oxholm, A.S., Di Guida, S., & Gyrd-Hansen, D. (2021). Allocation of health care under pay for performance: Winners and losers. Social Science and Medicine, 278. DOI:
  • Pedersen, K.M. (2021). Så meget kostede corona sundhedsvæsenet i 2020. Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 92(1): 6-17.
  • Sun, Q., Lu, J., Zhang, H., & Liu, Y. (2021). Social distance reduces the biases of overweighting small probabilities and underweighting large probabilities. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(8) 1309–1324. 
  • Sun, Q., Polman, E., & Zhang, H. (2021). On prospect theory, making choices for others, and the affective psychology of risk. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 96,104177.


  • Benincasa, G., Pavlikov, K., & Hearn, D. (2020). Algorithms and software for the golf director problem. Journal of Sports Analytics, 6(3), 155-172.
  • Bertelsen, L., Diederichsen, S. Z., Haugan, K. J., Brandes, A., Graff, C., Krieger, D., Kronborg, C., Køber, L., Peters, D. C., Olesen, M. S., Højberg, S., Vejlstrup, N., & Svendsen, J. H. (2020). Left Atrial Late Gadolinium Enhancement is Associated With Incident Atrial Fibrillation as Detected by Continuous Monitoring With Implantable Loop Recorders. J A C C: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13(8), 1690-1700.
  • Calleja, P., Llerena, F., & Sudhölter, P. (2020). Monotonicity and Weighted Prenucleoli : A Characterization without Consistency. Mathematics of Operations Research, 45(3), 1056-1068.
  • Diederichsen, S. Z., Haugan, K. J., Kronborg, C., Graff, C., Højberg, S., Køber, L., Krieger, D., Holst, A. G., Nielsen, J. B., Brandes, A., & Svendsen, J. H. (2020). Comprehensive Evaluation of Rhythm Monitoring Strategies in Screening for Atrial Fibrillation : Insights From Patients at Risk Monitored Long Term With an Implantable Loop Recorder. Circulation, 141(19), 1510-1522.
  • Flores-Szwagrzak, K., & Treibich, R. (2020). Teamwork and individual productivity. Management Science, 66(6), 2523–2544.
  • Hokari, T., Funaki, Y., & Sudhölter, P. (2020). Consistency, anonymity, and the core on the domain of convex games. Review of Economic Design, 24(3-4), 187-197.
  • Hu, Y., Zhang, H., & Yang, P. (2020). Resilience under Weiji: The Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies. Management and Organization Review, 16(4), 761-768.
  • Litan, C., Marhuenda, F., & Sudhölter, P. (2020). Generic finiteness of equilibrium distributions for bimatrix outcome game forms. Annals of Operations Research, 287(2), 801-810.


  • Bendixen, M., Kronborg, C., Jørgensen, O.D., Andersen, C., & Licht, P.B. (2019). Cost-utility analysis of minimally invasive surgery for lung cancer : a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 56(4), 754-761.
  • Calleja, P., Llerena, F., & Sudhölter, P. (2019). Monotonicity and Weighted Prenucleoli : A Characterization without Consistency. Mathematics of Operations Research, 45(3), 1056-1068.
  • Di Guida S., Oxholm A.S., & Gyrd-Hansen, D. (2019). Testing the myth of fee-for-service and overprovision in health care. Health Economics, 28, 717-722, DOI:
  • Diederichsen, S. Z., Haugan, K. J., Brandes, A., Lanng, M. B., Graff, C., Krieger, D., Kronborg, C., Holst, A. G., Køber, L., Højberg, S., & Svendsen, J. H. (2019). Natural History of Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation Detected by Implanted Loop Recorders. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74(22), 2771-2781.
  • He, Y., Dyer, J., & Butler, J. (2019). A Decision Making Model with Utility from Anticipation and Disappointment. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 26(1-2), 35-50, DOI:
  • He, Y., Dyer, J., Butler, J., & Jia, J. (2019). An additive model of decision making under risk and ambiguity. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 85, 78-92, DOI:
  • Khalil, U., Mookerjee, S., & Tierney, R. (2019). Social interactions in voting behavior : Evidence from India. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 163, 158-171.
  • Lauridsen, J.T., Christiansen, T., & Vitved, A.R. (2019). Dynamic changes in determinants of inequalities in health in Europe with a focus on retirement. In: Börsch-Supan, A., Bristle, J., Andersen-Ranberg, K., Brugiavini, A., Jusot, F., Litwin, H. & Weber, G. (Eds.): Health and socio-economic status over the life course: First results from SHARE Waves 6 and 7. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 77-84.
  • Oxholm, A. S., Di Guida, S., Gyrd-Hansen, D., & Olsen, K.R. (2019). Taking care of high-need patients in capitation-based payment schemes–an experimental investigation into the importance of market conditions. Applied Economics, 51(47), 5174-5184, DOI:
  • Treibich, R. (2019). Welfare Egalitarianism with Other-Regarding Preferences. Social Choice and Welfare, 52(1), 1-28.
  • Veremyev, A., Pavlikov, K., Pasiliao, E. L., Thai, M. T., & Boginski, V. (2019). Critical Nodes in Interdependent Networks with Deterministic and Probabilistic Cascading Failures. Journal of Global Optimization, 74(4), 803–838, DOI:
  • Zhang, H. (2019). Common fate motivates cooperation : The influence of risks on contributions to public goods. Journal of Economic Psychology, 70, 12-21, DOI:


  • Christiansen, T. & Vrangbæk, K. (2018). Hospital centralization and performance in Denmark : ten years on. Health Policy, 122(4), 321- 328.
  • Fasterholdt, I., Lee, A., Kidholm, K., Yderstræde, K.B., & Pedersen, K.M. (2018). A qualitative exploration of early assessment of innovative medical technologies. B M C Health Services Research, 18(837).
  • Fasterholdt, I., Gerstrøm, M., Rasmussen, B.S.B., Yderstræde, K.B., Kidholm, K., & Pedersen, K.M. (2018). Cost-effectiveness of telemonitoring of diabetic foot ulcer patients. Health Informatics Journal, 24(3), 245-258.
  • Grabisch, M., & Sudhölter, P. (2018).On a class of vertices of the core. Games and Economic Behavior, 108(March), 541-557.
  • Grønbæk, L., Lindroos, M., Munro, G., & Pintassilgo, P. (2018). Game Theory and Fisheries. Fisheries Research, 203, 1-5.
  • Marling, T.G., Range, T.M., Sudhölter, P., & Østerdal, L.P. (2018). Decomposing bivariate dominance for social welfare comparisons. Mathematical Social Sciences, 95, 1-8.
  • Pavlikov, K., & Uryasev, S. (2018). CVaR Distance Between Univariate Probability Distributions and Approximation Problems. Annals of Operations Research, 262(1), 67–88, DOI:
  • Pavlikov, K. (2018). Improved Formulations for Minimum Connectivity Network Interdiction Problems. Computers & Operations Research, 97, 48–57, DOI:
  • Pavlikov, K., Veremyev, A., Pasiliao, E. L. Optimization of Value-at-Risk: Computational Aspects of MIP Formulations. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 69(5), 676–690, DOI:
  • Pedersen, K.M. (2018). Dansk Sundhedspolitik. København : Munksgaard.
  • Pintassilgo, P., Laukkanen, M., Grønbæk, L., & Lindroos, M. (2018). International fisheries agreements and non-consumptive values. Fisheries Research, 203(July), 46-54.
  • Sun, Q., Zhang, H., Zhang, J., & Zhang, X. (2018). Why can’t we accurately predict others’ decisions? Prediction discrepancy in risky decision-making. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2190.
  • Sun, Q., Zhang, H., Sai, L., & Hu, F. (2018). Self-distancing reduces the bias in probability weighting. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 611.
  • Sørensen, S.S., Jensen, M.B., Pedersen, K.M., & Ehlers, L.H. (2018). Examining the heterogeneity and cost effectiveness of a complex intervention by segmentation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Value in Health, 21(2), 239-247.
  • Zhang, H. (2018). Errors can increase cooperation in finite populations. Games and Economic Behavior, 107, 203–219.


  • Andersen, M.K., Pedersen, L.B., Dupont, M., Pedersen, K.M., Munck, A., & Nexøe, J. (2017). General practitioners’ attitudes towards and experiences with referrals due to supplemental health insurance. Family Practice, 34(5), 581-586.
  • Bendix, H., Digmann, A., Jørgensen, P., & Pedersen, K.M. (2017). Ledelse i Sundhedsvæsenet : på hospitaler, i kommuner og i praksis. Gyldendal.
  • Chen, W., & He, Y. (2017). Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Delivery Flexibility. Annals of Operations Research, DOI:
  • Elias, S.V., Binder, M., Kristensen, N., Pedersen, K.M., & Shapiro, H. (2017). Voksen-, efter- og videreuddannelse på fremtidens arbejdsmarked. Samfundsoekonomen, 3, 38-41.
  • Ellefsen, H., Grønbæk, L., Ravn-Jonsen, L. (2017). On International Fisheries Agreements, Entry Deterrence, and Ecological Uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Management, 193, 118-125.
  • Fasterholdt, I., Krahn, M.D., Kidholm, K., Yderstræde, K.B., & Pedersen, K.M. (2017). Review of early assessment models of innovative medical technologies. Health Policy, 121(8), 870-879.
  • Hvidt, E.A.; Lykkegaard, J., Pedersen, L.B., Pedersen, K.M., Munck, A., & Andersen, M.K.K. (2017). How is defensive medicine understood and experienced in a primary care setting? A qualitative focus group study among Danish general practitioners. B M J Open, 7(12), e019851.
  • Jensen, C.E., Riis, A., Petersen, K.D., Jensen, M.B., & Pedersen, K.M. (2017). Economic evaluation of an implementation strategy for the management of low back pain in general practice. Pain, 158(5), 891-899.
  • Pedersen, K.M. (2017). Økonomien i velfærdsteknologi.  In: Fredskild, T.U., & Dalkjær, D. (eds.): Velfærdsteknologi i sundhedsvæsenet, 2nd ed. København, Gad, 71-104.
  • Sudhölter, P., & Zarzuelo, J.M. (2017). Characterizations of highway toll pricing methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 260(1), 161-170.
  • Sun, Q., Liu, Y., Zhang, H., & Lu, J. (2017). Increased social distance makes people more risk neutral. The Journal of Social Psychology, 157(4), 502-512.
  • Sørensen, S.S., Pedersen, K.M., Weinreich, U.M., & Ehlers, L.H. (2017). Economic evaluation of community-based case management of patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 15(3), 413-424.
  • Zawada, A., Kolasa, K., Kronborg, C., Rabczenko, D., Rybnik, T., Lauridsen, J.T., Ceglowska, U., & Hermanowski, T. (2017). A Comparison of the Burden of Out-of-Pocket Health Payments in Denmark, Germany and Poland. Global Policy, 8(S2), 123-130.


  • Albizuri, J.M., & Sudhölter, P. (2016). Characterizations of the core of TU and NTU games with communication structures. Social Choice and Welfare, 46(2), 451-475.
  • Blais, A., Labbé St-Vincent, S., Pilet, J-B., & Treibich, R. (2016). Voting Correctly in Lab Elections with Monetary Incentives : The Impact of District Magnitude. Party Politics, 22(4), 544-551.
  • Devetag G., Di Guida, S., & Polonio L. (2016). An Eye-tracking Study of Feature-based Choice in One-shot Games. Experimental Economics, 19, 177-201, DOI:
  • Ergashev, B., Pavlikov, K., Uryasev, S., & Sekeris, E. (2016). Estimation of Truncated Data Samples in Operational Risk Modeling. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 83(3), 613–640, DOI:
  • Grabisch, M., & Sudhölter, P. (2016). Characterizations of solutions for games with precedence constraints. International Journal of Game Theory, 45(1-2), 269-290.
  • Kleppe, J., Reijnierse, H., & Sudhölter, P. (2016). Axiomatizations of symmetrically weighted solutions. Annals of Operations Research, 243(1-2), 37-53.
  • Lyttkens, C.H., Christiansen, T., Häkkinen, U., Kaarboe, O., Sutton, M., & Welander, A. (2016). The core of the Nordic health care system is not empty. Nordic Journal of Health Economics, 4(1), 7-27.
  • Nieminen, E., Kronbak, L.G., & Lindroos, M. (2016). International Agreements in the Multispecies Baltic Sea Fisheries. Environmental and Resource Economics, 65(1), 109-134.
  • Oinonen, S., Grønbæk, L., Laukkanen, M., Levontin, P., Lindroos, M., Nieminen, E., Parkkila, K., Pintassilgo, P., Pulkkinen, H., & Romakkaniemi, A. (2016). International Fisheries Management and Recreational Benefits : The Case of Baltic Salmon. Marine Resource Economics, 31(4), 433-451.
  • Zhang, H., & Perc, M. (2016). Evolution of conditional cooperation under multilevel selection. Nature: Scientific Reports, 6.
  • Zisis, G., Di Guida, S., Han, T.A., Kirchsteiger, G., & Lenaerts, T. (2016). Generosity motivated by acceptance--evolutionary analysis of an anticipation game: evolutionary analysis of a modified dictator game. Scientific Reports, 5, 18076.

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Last Updated 27.07.2024