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Knowledge Exchange

The Markets, Organization, and Behavior Research Group pursues knowledge dissemination through constantly publishing research in peer-reviewed journals, anthologies/handbooks, and working papers as well as (co-authoring) textbooks. The knowledge-exchange activities are manifold. For example, the research group annually organizes the „Esbjerg Knowledge-exchange Day“ in cooperation with Esbjerg Kommune, where practitioners, policy makers, and researchers in the area of a specific and changing topic (e.g., event management, energy management) will meet to discuss current challenges in the chosen area as well as promising strategies to address these challenges.


The research group has a long tradition in educating PhD students and Postdocs, who are co-financed by public authorities or private companies (e.g., Esbjerg Kommune, Sikkerhedsstyrelsen, Syd Energi), and sees this as a part of its direct knowledge-exchange activities. Additionally, the members of the group are strongly involved in current continuing education activities as well as in the development of new activities. Furthermore, the group collaborates continuously with businesses, (not-for-profit) organizations, and public authorities through common research projects, supervised student internships, and invited guest lectures. Finally, the group publishes an annual activity report targeted at internal and external stakeholders.