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We want our research to reflect high standards of social and environmental responsibility.

Our research labs are large consumers of energy, need a lot of equipment and they generate a lot of waste, especially biological, chemical and plastic waste. 

Hence, the labs face challenges in energy efficiency, waste management and identifying sustainable purchasing options, combined with special attention to meet research and safety requirements.

The Green Lab CERTIFICATION PROGRAMrecognizes labs that engage in sustainable practices.

Our scientists are active contributors in minimizing the environmental impact of their laboratory work and finding laboratory sustainability best practices to implement.

The certification is run by our scientists in collaboration with the building and maintenance department, procurement etc.

We are working towards recertification of the first labs in 2023. 

By having the certification process as a continuous focus, our labs can work with continual change and improvements, and have the time for proper implementation and to change habits and build a culture of sustainability.

Last Updated 27.07.2024