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A new type of vancomycin resistant enterococci detected on OUH

  A novel type of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) has been isolated from a patient admitted to OUH. Analysis of the total genetic code (whole-genome DNA sequencing) in collaboration with Statens Serum Institut revealed that the bacterium did not belong to previously known types. Since VRE are transmitted from person to person, new types are extremely rare and it is a mystery from where the patient has been infected by the bacterium. The research unit is working on tracing possible sources of infection.


The Research unit for Clinical Microbiology conducts extensive molecular biology-based research on enterococci, including vancomycin-resistant enterococci, VRE.

The research unit has developed methods for cheap and effective detection of VRE in clinical samples. This analysis has shown great value in daily diagnostic work. The method is still under development and is currently being tested for new applications.

We monitor VRE by whole genome DNA sequencing and typing of isolates and thereby contributes to early mapping of routes of transmission in the hospital. The tool is routinely used as part of the infection hygiene efforts.

We have introduced molecular biology rapid diagnosis (about one hour) for screening for VRE in patients. The result of the screening study is used to determine whether tested patients should be isolated from other patients.

A number of other molecular biological studies of VRE are in the pipeline.


Inquiries regarding molecular work on enterococci:

Editing was completed: 07.01.2019