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Unusual malaria parasites are examined at OUH

OUH has recently introduced molecular biological methods for detection and identification of malaria parasites in blood. By use of these methods malaria parasites were recently found in a patient who had ben traveling in areas with transmission of malaria. However, the parasites could not be identified as one of the five species known to infect humans.


The Research unit for Clinical Microbiology and Statens Serum Institut are now collaborates on  determining the precise species of the parasites by means of various techniques including DNA sequencing.


The Research Unit for Clinical Microbiology is working on replacing previously used methods for detection of parasites in patients with new, more precise DNA-based methods. The results have shown not only a need to use more precise methods, but also a previously unrecognized occurrence of parasites as the cause of disease in Denmark.



Editing was completed: 07.01.2019