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Centre for Learning Computational Thinking

Lectures, workshops, seminars, etc. held at the Center for Learning Computational Thinking (CLCT activities) - as well as activities, including conferences, etc., in which researchers affiliated with the Center for Learning Computational Thinking, have participated (Other activities).


eScience workshop: Exploring and demonstrating eScience tools for supporting your research

In collaboration with the SDU eScience Centre, the Center for Learning Computational Thinking offers an eScience workshop for researchers, based within the new department, interested in exploring digital means for supporting the efficient use of data, including tools for analysis and data infrastructure.

At the workshop, we will introduce the SDU eScience Centre, including a presentation of their services. Furthermore, Zhiru Sun
 from our department will present her work on the automatic detection of text reuse in the H.C. Andersen’s work (a project description can be found below). Finally, Federica Lo Verso and Emiliano Molinaro, from the eScience Centre, will introduce and demonstrate the UCloud platform.



Workshop: CLCT questions from a computer science perspective

At this CLCT workshop, three researchers from IMADA (Marco Chiarandini, Jakob Lykke Andersen, and Stefan Jänicke) will invite discussion of a set of CLCT-related questions. Amongst the questions to be discussed are:

- What aspects of programming languages make them harder or easier to learn?

- How should programming be taught?

- How should visualizations be designed to support the learning of visual literacy?

- What is required of automated AI systems for users to be able to trust them?




Seminar: "AI for learning"

"AI and Learning" by Andrea Valente and Emanuela Marchetti
Andrea and Emanuela's presentation (pdf).

"AI, Learning and the GPS: The Scenic Route or the Chosen Route?" by Bo Kampmann Walther
Bo's presentation (pdf).

Talk by Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen
Dion's presentation (pdf).


Book seminar: "Computational Thinking – Teoretiske, empiriske og didaktiske perspektiver"

Presentation of the anthology by Nina Bonderup Dohn and Rocio Chongtay.
Highlights from chapter 1 - "Computational Thinking - indplacering i et landskab at it-begreber" and 10 - "Didaktiske fokuspunkter i design for læring af og læring med Computational Thinking"  by Nina Bonderup Dohn .
Further from chapter 5 - "Computational Thinking som redskab til problemløsning på tvæs af fagområder" by Rocio Chongtay.
Nina and Rocios presentation (pdf)

"Computational Thinking in Collaborative Learning and Design" by Anders Mørch, Inst. for pedagogikk (IPED), Universitetet i Oslo.
Anders presentation (pdf)

Lis Zachos presentation on Computational Thinking in practice, with highlights from the chapters 3 - "Cykling som kropsbaseret computationel praksis", 6 - "For mennesker, maskiner og medier - indholdsforfatteren som computational thinker" and 12 - "Læring af  Computational Thinking gennem Storycoding".
Lis presentation (pdf)

Johannes Wagner and Kristian Mortensen presented chapter 3 - "Cykling som kropsbaseret computationel praksis".
Johannes and Kristians presentation (pdf)

Jesper Jensen presented chapter 6 - "For mennesker, maskiner og medier –indholdsforfatteren som computational thinker".
Jespers presentation (pdf)

"Et idehistorisk rids" by Stig Børsen Hansen (Pdf)


Virtual book seminar: "Computational Thinking – Teoretiske, empiriske og didaktiske perspektiver"

Presentation of the anthology by the editors: Nina Bonderup Dohn, Robb Mitchell and Rocio Chongtay.
The editors presentation (Danish/pdf)

Michael E. Caspersen, Director of IT-West and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University.
Michael's presentation (Danish/pdf)

Lis Zacho, member of Coding Pirates, Board of Directors, teacher, member of the expert group for Digital Learning and the expert group for  mathematics, appointed by the Ministry of Education.
Lis' presentation (Danish/pdf)

Anders Mørchprofessor at Institutt for pedagogikk, Universitetet i Oslo.
Anders' presentation (Danish/pdf)


Morning session:

  • Project “Wildlife under a plastic garbage island” by Associate Professor Ole Caprani, Aarhus University.
  • "From theory bias to theory dialogue Embracing cognitive, situated, and critical framings of computational thinking in K-12 CS education" by Professor Yasmin Kafai, University of Pennsylvania.


Virtual talk: "Informal programs as a way to coding"

Professor Monica Bucciarelli from the University of Turin


Virtual seminar: "Play, Creativity, Technology"- Coding Pirates Denmark

Louise Overgaard, Coding Pirates, Board of Directors


Better integration of analogue and digital CT- designing paper computing machines

Presentation of theoretical and design-based explorations towards the design an activity popup book (called PaCoMa, or Paper Computing Machines) to introduce kids 6 to 11 years old to CT by Emanuela Marchetti and Andrea Valente.


Learning and CT in a European Education setting

  • "Technology for learning thinking skills": guest lecture by Professor Joke Voogt from the University of Amsterdam
  • Jens Jørgen Hansen -"Teknologiforståelse in the Danish public schools"
  • Marco Ragni and Nina Bonderup Dohn – Call for Papers: -Künstliche Intelligenz German Journal of Artificial Intelligence


Applied methods for computational thinking in education

  • "Visualizing learning analytics and data mining outputs” presented by Zhiru Sun
  • "Do Users Understand Search Engine Results Ranking? Implications for Teaching Computational Thinking" presented by Ying-Hsang Liu
  • Wrap Up session – "Perspective for research according to Center for Learning Computational Thinking" - Facilitated by Nina Bonderup Dohn.


Different conceptions of CT – What’s new

  • Discussion of  Tedre & Denning (2016)"The Long Quest for Computational Thinking", Proceedings of the 16th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research
  • Nina Bonderup Dohn: "Philosophical presuppositions in different understandings of CT – does Dreyfus’ criticism from 1972 apply?"


What is CT - 5 Theoretical Perspectives

  • Emanuela Marchetti
  • Stefan Jäncke
  • Stig Børsen Hansen
  • Jussi Mikkonen
  • Rocio Chongtay


Show me yours, I’ll show you mine – CT-thing(s)

Test and discussion (workshop)


Teaching programming with:

  • Nina Bonderup Dohn: "General focus points when teaching for learning"
  • Rolf Fagerberg: "Teaching programming to beginners"
  • Rocio Chongtay: "Teaching programming to humanists/non-it-interested people"


Start-up Workshop

05/18-20, 2020
Workshop at 12th International Conference on Networked Learning

"(How) Can computational things be utilized in networked learning”)

Participants: Ane Bjerre Odgaard, Roland Hachmann, Stig Børsen Hansen and Nina Bonderup Dohn

Computational things are physical artifacts that use computer programs to bring observable changes in themselves or other artifacts. Typically, the interaction between the computational thing and the environment is mediated through sensors and actuators. Lego Mindstorms, Kubo robots, e-textiles, as well as things integrating Arduinos and Microbits are all examples of computational things. This workshop aims to discuss with participants what roles (if any) “computational things” can have in networked learning practice and, vice versa, what roles (if any) networked learning can have in learning with “computational things.”

For more information about the workshop:

08/01-03, 2020
Symposium at EARLI SIG 10, 21 and 25 Conference 2020

”Investigating computational thinking in classrooms: conceptual issues and empirical processes.”

In this symposium, we investigate theoretical conceptualizations and empirical realizations of CT in classrooms spanning the educational system, in courses with and without coding. The first paper discusses how to delimit CT from other forms of thinking. The second paper presents a systematic literature review of pedagogical approaches in various analogue and digital learning designs. The third paper articulates pedagogical points for teaching (with) CT, based on research on specific learning designs. The fourth paper presents an empirical study of the use of CT across different learning settings in an interdisciplinary project course.

Paper presenters (all SDU):

  • ”Pedagogical approaches in Computational Thinking - A systematic literature review” by Christina Fyhn and Nina Bonderup Dohn
  • ”An empirical study of the use of Computational Thinking in an interdisciplinary project course” by Jesper Jensen
  • ”Defining Computational Thinking” by Stig Børsen Hansen
  • "Focus points for the pedagogics of teaching (with) Computational Thinking” by Nina Bonderup Dohn

03/06-07, 2020
Talk at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophical Society

”Filosofiske forudsætninger i ’Computational thinking’ - en gammelkendt diskussion i ny forklædning?” by Nina Bonderup Dohn

Computational thinking (CT) is claimed to be a problem-solving method applicable across disciplines, consisting of decomposition skills, abstraction, pattern recognition, modeling, algorithm design, automation and generalization. CT is not "thinking like a computer" but the processes involved in preparing a problem so that a computer can solve it. What understanding of thinking, problems, and problem solving is implicit in the approach? How does this understanding differ from the view that Dreyfus criticized as early as 1972? Is the discussion about CT an old familiar in new clothes?

Department of Design, Media and Educational Science

  • Universitetsparken 1
  • Kolding - DK-6000
  • Phone: +45 6550 1340

Last Updated 27.07.2024