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Strategic Energy Planning of Funen, Denmark - System Perspectives for 2035 & 2050

© Asger Vestergaard Laursen & Jeppe Bay Pedersen

Asger Vestergaard Laursen and Jeppe Bay Pedersen

Bachelor Thesis – Energy Technology - 2018

This study has investigated the prospects of adapting national energy system perspectives to the energy system of Funen in 2035 and 2050, for the purpose of recommending an economically feasible roadmap towards a fossil free energy system.

The goal has been to develop models of the energy systems of 2016, 2035 and 2050 in EnergyPLAN and Microsoft Excel. These models have been used to calculate the socioeconomic system costs, for both the reference system and future scenarios, and analysed from a more technical perspective, in order to determine the most feasible transition for the future energy system of Funen.

The final models have been presented in Sankey-diagrams.

The study shows that the most socioeconomically feasible energy system of Funen in 2050, utilizes excess heat from Facebook’s data center and the industry, combined with a large synfuel production, using biogas-to-liquid combined with import of biomethane.

© Asger Vestergaard Laursen & Jeppe Bay PedersenClick on the Flow Diagram to see a large version

Research project relation
This project has been made in collaboration with the ongoing strategic energy planning of Funen: Energiplan Fyn

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Last Updated 21.05.2019