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Carlsberg grant awarded to QM postdoc

Carlsberg has awarded a ’Carlsberg Foundation Reintegration Fellowship’ to William Elbæk Mistegård, for a 3-year project at Centre for Quantum Mathematics, SDU.

By Jane Jamshidi, , 11/1/2020

William Elbæk Mistegård is a former PhD student of Professor and Centre Director Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen currently holding a 2-year postdoc position at IST Austria under the supervision of the esteemed Professor Tamas Hausel. The Carlsberg granted project at QM, SDU will start in the fall 2021. 


In the three years of Carlsberg support William Elbæk Mistegård will work on a highly interdisciplinary research project in mathematics and mathematical physics. The project is called: ”Resurgence and Brane-quantization in Topological Quantum Field Theory” and involves a collaboration with Dr. Andrea Brini at University of Birmingham in England.


William Elbæk Mistegård is one of the pioneers in the use of resurgence in TQFT and is in a unique position to recognize and further develop the connection to brane-quantization.


The overarching goal of this project is to advance our understanding of topological quantum field theory by developing a synthesis of the new theories of resurgence and brane-quantization, which is of potential foundational importance for quantum theory.


The news on the Carlsberg Foundation website:

The Carlsberg Fellow

Dr. William Elbæk Mistegaard

Editing was completed: 01.11.2020