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ESR 8: Henrique Raniro has published his second manuscript, in December 2023. In this paper, he explored how nine cover crop species alter their P acquisition strategies when grown in two contrasting soils. Open Access Link:


ESR 4: Salman Amjad has published a manuscript in November 2023. More details to come.

ESR 14: Teodor Kalpakchiev has just published his first paper! Phosphorus is subjected to technocratic compartmentalization, reductionist and incremental target-setting, while its governance relies on shocks for its renewal and does not advance critical perspectives. The heavy and siloed regulatory load built around technical expertise cannot advance policy foreign that can integrate Phosphorus with the multiple transition instruments on its agenda. Instead, its governance should disentangle the Phosphorus arena of controversial stakeholder priorities and selectively amplify the intersectoral and holistic discursive framings that can politicize and enhance its ubiquitous importance.
ESR 14: Transforming the European Union's phosphorus governance through holistic and intersectoral framings. Front. Sustain. Resour. Manag. (2023). Open Access Link:

ESR 8, 3, 2, and 10: Joint collaboration between Henrique Raniro, Jessica Papera, Lucas José, and Rodrigo Valenca! New investments in phosphorus research and training are paramount for Brazilian long-term environmental and food security. Environ Syst Decis (2023). Open Access Link:


Last Updated 08.04.2024