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Odense Respiratory Research Unit (ODIN)

Career development

Recruitment of talented researchers and clinicians is a high priority at ODIN. Consequently, a research background or research potential is a priority when recruiting staff for positions at the Department of Respiratory Medicine.

We want to have and to maintain a strong research culture. We believe that focus on recruitment, training, and further development of qualification of young as well as experienced researchers will nurture such culture. 

However, clinical researchers’ development usually takes place simultaneously with a career as clinical health care staff, and independently of the researchers’ background (e.g. nurse, physiotherapist, physician or other). 

Therefore, attractive careers for clinical researchers need to include all aspects of being a researcher as well as being a clinician. 

Consequently, we prioritize creating an integrated career plan for each researcher as we believe that such a plan is a necessary tool for strategic coordination between the Department of Respiratory Medicine and the research unit ODIN. Through the integrated career plans we seek to ensure talented researchers permanent positions as both researchers and clinicians.

Early identification of talent is an essential part when drafting, assessing, and adjusting a career plan. Therefore, our recruitment strategy is targeting interested and talented faculty and staff but also students. But we also use humor and other skills to attract new colleagues

Onboarding and supervision of PhD-students

In recent years, we have expanded ODIN with several PhD-students, pregraduate research-career stays ,and research nurses. 

Successful onboarding is essential to attract and retain the most skilled researchers. We consider the phd-program an important part of onboarding of talented researchers

  • All ODIN PhD-students have at least one external PhD-supervisor 
  • All ODIN PhD-students have an international PhD-supervisor or international collaboration as part of the planned studies

Last Updated 20.10.2023