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Let's play future

3 million DKK granted from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for a project applying role-playing games on climate issues for children and young people.

By Caroline Zoffmann Jessen, , 11/13/2023

Associate Professor Michael Paulsen, Department of Media, Design and Educational Science has received a grant of DKK 3 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for free green research with the project "Playing With Disaster: ecoliteracy via playful co-creation".

Climate information can be difficult to manage, not least for children and young people. On the one hand, they are bombarded with information about the increasingly catastrophic state of the world, and on the other, it can be difficult to know what can be done about it. The aim of the project is to investigate and promote sustainability education for young people through playful and collaborative approaches.

Exploring the future through role-playing

The project explores the use of cli-fi role-playing as a way for young people to explore alternative futures together, as well as explore themes such as hope, responsibility and coexistence. Role-playing games have been used in teaching for many years with good results, especially in sustainability education, which is usually based on facts and real-life situations.

The project differs from previous research in the field by exploring the use of fictional future worlds, imagination and creative processes. This enables full use of the role-playing game's potential to engage and motivate young people to actively participate in society's green transition.

The project will be carried out by Associate Professor Michael Paulsen, Head of Centre at CUHRE (Elite Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment) and is carried out in close collaboration with Associate Professor Sara Mosberg Iversen, Department of Media, Design and Educational Science.

Meet the researcher

Associate Professor Michael Paulsen is a researcher at The Department of Design, Media and Educational Science


Editing was completed: 13.11.2023