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GAIA postdoc

GAIA Postdoctoral Fellowships: Training Tomorrow’s Interdisciplinary Climate Scientists

The GAIA Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, a prestigious Marie Curie fellowship initiative, is set to start next year, offering an unparalleled opportunity for promising early-career scientists from around the globe. With applications opening in October, this innovative programme is poised to cultivate the next generation of experts in climate-relevant interdisciplinary science, equipping them with the skills, knowledge and networks needed to tackle the complex and urgent challenges of climate change.

By Annabell Moser, , 8/30/2024

GAIA is more than just a fellowship - it is a transformative journey designed to develop fellows into leaders of interdisciplinary climate science. The programme will provide cutting-edge interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary training, with a strong emphasis on personal and professional development. The unique structure of the programme, offered in two cohorts, supports 15 postdoctoral researchers: The first cohort will apply this October and begin their fellowships in mid-2025, while the second cohort will apply in 2026. Through its comprehensive training programme, participants will gain the competencies necessary to excel in their future careers, bridging the gap between academia and real-world climate science needs.

Fellows will have access to a rich and diverse network of private, public civil society partners, as well as benefiting from collaborations with leading academic institutions across Europe. This network is essential for supporting their development and fostering working relationships that will empower their future careers. The University of Southern Denmark (SDU), SDU Climate Cluster, where the programme is based, spans all five faculties at SDU, offering a broad range of research opportunities and drawing on expertise from multiple academic partners across the continent.

We are extremely excited about the potential this programme offers to develop the next generation of interdisciplinary climate scientists

Sebastian Mernild, Professor, Head of SDU Climate Cluster

- We are extremely excited about the potential this programme offers to develop the next generation of interdisciplinary climate scientists, says Professor Sebastian Mernild, Head of the SDU Climate Cluster, who will host the GAIA programme. “By bringing together talented young researchers from around the world, we are creating a vibrant community dedicated to advancing the scientific knowledge needed to drive the green transition. The collaborative, interdisciplinary approach at the heart of GAIA is exactly what is needed to address the pressing challenges of our time".

The GAIA programme places a strong emphasis on fostering leadership, collaboration and entrepreneurship skills among its fellows, ensuring they are well prepared to lead and innovate within the scientific community. By the end of their fellowship, participants are expected to have conducted research that significantly contributes to the green transition and to be equipped to drive innovation in their future careers.

Applications for the GAIA Postdoctoral Fellowships will open in October, with the first cohort of fellows expected to start their positions by July 2025. SDU anticipates an enthusiastic response from early career researchers as they seize the opportunity to apply to this unique interdisciplinary programme. SDU encourages its own researchers and wider collaborators to ensure any promising candidates are made aware of the call.

Preliminary Application Information:

Marie Curie Fellowship:

Keywords:  Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Remediation, Recycling

EU flag

Part of Horizon Europe the MSCA are the European Union’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

If you have questions about the GAIA Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, you are welcome to contact the Project Manager Annabell Moser,

More information

PI Sebastian Mernild Application opening: 01 October 2024 Application deadline: 31 December 2024

Editing was completed: 30.08.2024